Bible Study Guides – “We Are His Witnesses of These Things”

July 9-15, 2000

MEMORY VERSE: “For thou shalt be His witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard.” Acts 22:15.

STUDY HELP: Christian Service, 15–24.

INTRODUCTION: “The Master has given to every man his work. He has given to every man according to his ability, and his trust is in proportion to his capacity. God requires every one to be a worker in His vineyard. You are to take up the work that has been placed in your charge, and to do it faithfully. ‘Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.’” Review and Herald, May 1, 1888.

“How Shall They Hear?”

1 What did the Master say to those who did not answer the call to work in His vineyard? Matthew 20:6.

NOTE: See Acts of the Apostles, 110.

2 What has Christ provided to enable each Christian to do His appointed work? Romans 12:4–8.

NOTE: See Acts of the Apostles, 274.

“Unlearned and Ignorant Men”

3 What was the world’s estimate of Peter and John as they witnessed for the Master? Acts 4:13, first part.

NOTE: “There are many who will spend and be spent to win souls to Christ. In obedience to the great commission, they will go forth to work for the Master. Under the ministration of angels ordinary men will be moved by the Spirit of God to warn people in the highways and byways. Humble men, who do not trust in their gifts, but who work in simplicity, trusting always in God, will share in the joy of the Saviour as their persevering prayers bring souls to the cross.” This Day With God, 227.

4 What sort of person does God most commonly call to His service? 1 Corinthians 1:26, 27.

NOTE: “Jesus chose unlearned fishermen because they had not been schooled in the traditions and erroneous customs of their time. They were men of native ability, and they were humble and teachable,—men whom He could educate for His work. In the common walks of life there is many a man patiently treading the round of daily toil, unconscious that he possesses powers which, if called into action, would raise him to an equality with the world’s most honored men. The touch of a skillful hand is needed to arouse those dormant faculties. It was such men that Jesus called to be His co-laborers; and He gave them the advantage of association with Himself. Never had the world’s great men such a teacher. When the disciples came forth from the Saviour’s training, they were no longer ignorant and uncultured. They had become like Him in mind and character, and men took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.” Conflict and Courage, 282.

“I Will Pour Out My Spirit”

5 On what different kinds of people will God pour out His Spirit? Acts 2:17, 18.

NOTE: “Time is short, and there is much to be done. Let all who can, old and young, men, women and children, take up this work. As they go forth, the Lord will open the way before them. The words that they speak will be as seeds sown in good ground. Many souls will be saved as a result of their willing service.” Indiana Reporter, September 2, 1903.

“Christ declared, ‘If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me.’ He is doing this work, but He calls upon old and young, men, women, and youth, to co-operate with Him. While Christ draws, those who have tasted of the word of life must draw with Christ. Human instrumentalities must co-operate with the divine intelligences.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 4, 11.

6 What qualifications are needed to be a witness for God? Romans 12:1–3.

NOTE: “God’s cause at this time is in special need of men and women who possess Christlike qualifications for service, executive ability, and a large capacity for work, who have kind, warm, sympathetic hearts, sound common sense, and unbiased judgment; who will carefully weigh matters before they approve or condemn, and who can fearlessly say No, or Yea and Amen; who, because they are sanctified by the Spirit of God, practice the words ‘All ye are brethren,’ striving constantly to uplift and restore fallen humanity.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 2, 88.

“A Love of the Truth”

7 What knowledge is essential for freedom from sin? John 8:32.

NOTE: See Prophets and Kings, 716.

8 What is even more essential than knowledge of the truth? 2 Thessalonians 2:10, 11.

NOTE: “The five foolish virgins had lamps (this means a knowledge of Scripture truth), but they had not the grace of Christ. Day by day they went through a round of ceremonies and external duties, but their service was lifeless, devoid of the righteousness of Christ. The Sun of Righteousness did not shine in their hearts and minds, and they had not the love of the truth which conforms to the life and character, the image and superscription, of Christ. The oil of grace was not mingled with their endeavors. Their religion was a dry husk without the true kernel. They held fast to forms of doctrines, but they were deceived in their Christian life, full of self-righteousness, and failing to learn lessons in the school of Christ, which, if practised, would have made them wise unto salvation.” Review and Herald, March 27, 1894.

“Adorn the Doctrine of God Our Saviour in All Things”

9 How should the things a Christian believes affect his life? Titus 2:10, last part.

NOTE: “The Lord knows the thoughts and purposes of man, and how easily He can melt us! How His Spirit, like a fire, can subdue the flinty heart! How He can fill the soul with love and tenderness! How He can give us the graces of His Holy Spirit, and fit us to go in and out, in laboring for souls! The power of overcoming grace should be felt throughout the church today; and it may be felt, if we take heed to the counsels of Christ to His followers. As we learn to adorn the doctrine of Christ our Saviour we shall surely see the salvation of God.” Counsels on Stewardship, 189.

“Those who make any pretensions to godliness should adorn the doctrine they profess and not give occasion for the truth to be reviled through their inconsiderate course of action. ‘Owe no man anything,’ says the apostle. You ought now, my brother, to take hold earnestly to correct your habits of indolence, redeeming the time. Let the world see that the truth has wrought a reformation in your life.” Testimonies vol. 5, 181.

10 As their enemies observed Peter and John, what did they realize about them? Acts 4:13, last part.

NOTE: See Acts of the Apostles, 45.

“Be Not Afraid of Their Faces”

11 What counsel was Jeremiah given when God chose Him to witness for Him? Jeremiah 1:8, 9.

NOTE: “The same God who gave His messages to Moses and Jeremiah will give His word to His witnesses in this generation. ‘For it is not ye that speak,’ Christ declares, ‘but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.’” Review and Herald, May 24, 1898. See also Acts of the Apostles, 600.

12 What reaction to our witness may we also expect? Ezekiel 33:31, 32.

NOTE: “They see the preciousness of the love of Christ. They see the beauty of His character, the possibilities of a life given to His service. But in contrast they see the life of those who profess to revere God’s precepts. Of how many are the words true that were spoken to the prophet Ezekiel…. It is one thing to treat the Bible as a book of good moral instruction, to be heeded so far as is consistent with the spirit of the times and our position in the world; it is another thing to regard it as it really is—the word of the living God, the word that is our life, the word that is to mould our actions, our words, and our thoughts. To hold God’s word as anything less than this is to reject it.” Education, 259, 260.