Bible Study Guides – “Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?”

January 6, 2001 – January 12, 2001

MEMORY VERSE: “Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O LORD. Lord, hear my voice: let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.” Psalm 130:1, 2.

STUDY HELP: Early Writings, 46–48.


“God in His great love is seeking to develop in us the precious graces of His Spirit. He permits us to encounter obstacles, persecution, and hardships, not as a curse, but as the greatest blessing of our lives. Every temptation resisted, every trial bravely borne, gives us a new experience and advances us in the work of character building. The soul that through divine power resists temptation reveals to the world and to the heavenly universe the efficiency of the grace of Christ.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 117.

“As Thy Days, so shall Thy Strength Be”

  1. What precious counsel are we given by Christ? Matthew 6:34.

NOTE: “Be not therefore anxious for the morrow.” Matthew 6:34. R. V.

See The Desire of Ages, 313.

  1. What counsel does the psalmist give? Psalm 55:22.

NOTE: “You are to live for the present, for this day only. Tomorrow is not yours. Today you are to maintain the victory over self. Today you are to live a life of prayer. Today you are to fight the good fight of faith. Today you are to believe that God blesses you. And as you gain the victory over darkness and unbelief, you will meet the requirements of the Master, and will become a blessing to those around you.” Signs of the Times, October 20, 1887.

“I Will Be With Thee”

  1. What precious promises may we rely on in times of trouble? Isaiah 43:1, 2; Isaiah 41:13.

NOTE: See Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 121.

  1. What further confidence may we have in God? Romans 8:28.

NOTE: “All that has perplexed us in the providences of God will in the world to come be made plain. The things hard to be understood will then find explanation. The mysteries of grace will unfold before us. Where our finite minds discovered only confusion and broken promises, we shall see the most perfect and beautiful harmony. We shall know that infinite love ordered the experiences that seemed most trying.” Testimonies, vol. 9, 286.

“Rest in the Lord”

  1. What purpose does God have in allowing trouble to come to His children? Hebrews 12:11.

NOTE: “He who is imbued with the Spirit of Christ abides in Christ. Whatever comes to him comes from the Saviour, who surrounds him with His presence. Nothing can touch him except by the Lord’s permission. All our sufferings and sorrows, all our temptations and trials, all our sadness and griefs, all our persecutions and privations, in short, all things work together for our good. All experiences and circumstances are God’s workmen whereby good is brought to us.” The Ministry of Healing, 489.

  1. When others treat us badly, what should our response be? Matthew 5:44, 45; 1 Peter 3:9; Psalm 37:7, 8.

NOTE: See The Ministry of Healing, 490.

“The LORD Will Lighten My Darkness”

  1. To whom may we look when life seems dark? 2 Samuel 22:29.

NOTE: “It is not wise to look to ourselves and study our emotions. If we do this, the enemy will present difficulties and temptations that weaken faith and destroy courage. Closely to study our emotions and give way to our feelings is to entertain doubt and entangle ourselves in perplexity. We are to look away from self to Jesus. When temptations assail you, when care, perplexity, and darkness seem to surround your soul, look to the place where you last saw the light.” The Ministry of Healing, 249, 250.

  1. In times of sickness and pain, what promises will sustain us? Isaiah 46:3, 4; Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 49:14–16.

NOTE: “Often your mind may be clouded because of pain. Then do not try to think. You know that Jesus loves you. He understands your weakness. You may do His will by simply resting in His arms.” The Ministry of Healing, 251.

“He Knoweth the Way that I Take”

  1. How did Job express his soul’s anguish at the height of his trouble? Job 23:1–3, 8, 9.

NOTE: “The children of God are not left alone and defenseless. Prayer moves the arm of Omnipotence.… If we surrender our lives to His service, we can never be placed in a position for which God has not made provision. Whatever may be our situation, we have a Guide to direct our way; whatever our perplexities, we have a sure Counselor; whatever our sorrow, bereavement, or loneliness, we have a sympathizing Friend. If in our ignorance we make missteps, Christ does not leave us. His voice, clear and distinct, is heard saying, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ John 14:6. ‘He shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper.’ Psalm 72:12.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 172, 173.

  1. How did Job express his trust in the Lord? Job 23:10.

NOTE: “Our God is an ever-present help in every time of need. He is perfectly acquainted with the most secret thoughts of our heart, with all the intents and purposes of our souls. When we are in perplexity, even before we open to Him our distress, He is making arrangements for our deliverance. Our sorrow is not unnoticed. He always knows much better than we do, just what is necessary for the good of His children, and He leads us as we would choose to be led if we could discern our own hearts and see our necessities and perils, as God sees them.” Our High Calling, 316.

“Out of the Depths”

  1. What prayer may be ours in times of spiritual darkness? Psalm 130:1–8.

NOTE: “O how privileged we are that we may come to Jesus just as we are and cast ourselves upon His love! We have no hope but in Jesus. He alone can reach us with His hand to lift us up out of the depths of discouragement and hopelessness and place our feet upon the Rock. Although the human soul may cling to Jesus with all the desperate sense of his great need, Jesus will cling to the souls bought by His own blood with a firmer grasp than the sinner clings to Him.” That I May Know Him, 80.

  1. What Bible pictures of God’s love and care may we look to in times of trouble? Isaiah 32:2; Isaiah 25:4, 5; 2 Samuel 22:2, 3.

NOTE: “Christ knows the strength of your temptations and the strength of your power to resist. His hand is always stretched out in pitying tenderness to every suffering child. To the tempted, discouraged one he says, Child for whom I suffered and died, can not you trust Me?… Words can not describe the peace and joy possessed by him who takes God at His word. Trials do not disturb him, slights do not vex him. Self is crucified. Day by day his duties may become more taxing, his temptations stronger, his trials more severe; but he does not falter; for he receives strength equal to his need.” The Youth’s Instructor, June 26, 1902.\