If My People Will Pray

If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14.

In the early years of the Advent Movement, weeks of prayer were held frequently in our churches around the world. Special readings were prepared and published in the Review and Herald, so that all of the churches could share in the experience. These convocations were special times of communion with the Lord and of heart-searching, that wrongs between brothers and sisters might be righted. Sister White frequently attended these meetings, and she often wrote of the wonderful blessings that could be gained by participating in these special gatherings.

Today, as all around us we see signs that Christ’s coming is very near, is it not even more important that we join together in a special time of study and prayer, beseeching the Lord that we might be prepared for the days ahead? At Steps to Life, it is our earnest desire to strengthen and encourage those who are striving to remain faithful to the faith “once delivered to the saints.” With this purpose in mind, we have thoughtfully prepared this special week of prayer edition, so that your home church or study group, wherever you may be around the United States or the world, can organize your own special time to fellowship and pray together.

As you gather, consider this counsel from God’s prophet, especially written for early Adventists who gathered during weeks of prayer, “Get ready for the week of prayer by humbling your hearts before God.” “Let every worker, whether a child, a youth, or a person of mature age, put on Christ; that is, seek Him in prayer, and believe that his prayers are accepted of God, because He has charged all to watch and to pray without ceasing. Some pray during the week of prayer, and then suppose their praying may cease; and as they do not continue to pray, they do not continue to receive. They must continue to ask, that they may receive. Ask, and you shall receive. Seek Me, and you shall find Me close beside you, ready to shield, to help, to bless you.” Review and Herald, December 18, 1888; May 9, 1899.

These inspired words represent our earnest desire for the 1999 Fall Week of Prayer, “May the Lord graciously bless His people during this week of prayer. May all wrongs be righted, all sins confessed, and pardon be written over against your names in the books of heaven. Let the members of every church, of every household, seek the Lord, and humble their souls before Him.” Review and Herald, December 9, 1890.