Question – How can I find out if I am deceived?


Since a person who is deceived does not know that he is deceived, how can I find out if I am deceived?


We are living in the time of the end, very close to the end of all things here on this earth, and Satan is out to deceive the whole world. Since he has had at least 6,000 years of experience, and we have only been here a brief time, we surely are no match for him. There is no way that we could ever in our short span of life come to the place where we could outwit the deceiver, who was able to deceive one-third of the angels of heaven.

“Satan is constantly endeavoring to attract attention to man in the place of God. He leads the people to look to bishops, to pastors, to professors of theology, as their guides, instead of searching the Scriptures to learn their duty for themselves. Then, by controlling the minds of these leaders, he can influence the multitudes according to his will.” The Great Controversy, 595.

This makes it look as though we are in an impossible situation. How thankful we can be for the Bible promises: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Luke 1:37; Matthew 19:26.

Here is the key to unlock our problem. Jesus said, in John 17:3, “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” If we know the One with whom all things are possible, then it will be possible for Him to keep us from being deceived by the devil.

The question, then, is, How do we get to know Him? First, we must become intimately acquainted with Him through Bible study and prayer. Then, we must spend time reading and studying the Spirit of Prophecy, store in our memory precious promises from the Bible and pertinent statements from the inspired writings, and develop the habit of talking to Him about everything in our life. This is a good beginning, but to complete the fortification against the devil, we must, after reading and praying, begin practicing all that we have learned. Step by step we must practice walking with Jesus and talking to Him about everything we do. We must invite the Holy Spirit into our lives and ask Him to guide our life, and we must listen for that still, small voice and obey it.

“Every one of us will be sorely tempted; our faith will be tried to the uttermost. We must have a living connection with God; we must be partakers of the divine nature; then we shall not be deceived by the devices of the enemy, and shall escape the corruption that is in the world through lust.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 2, 50.

“As we near the end of time, falsehood will be so mingled with truth, that only those who have the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be able to distinguish truth from error. We need to make every effort to keep the way of the Lord. We must in no case turn from His guidance to put our trust in man. . . . Every day we are to come to the Lord with full assurance of faith, and to look to Him for wisdom. . . . Those who are guided by the Word of the Lord will discern with certainty between falsehood and truth, between sin and righteousness.” God’s Amazing Grace, 201.

“None but those who have fortified the mind with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict.” The Great Controversy, 593.