LandMarks Magazine Contents

2006 September

Editorial – Unity and Dissonance, Part V

Do not refuse to unite with your brethren, fearing that if you put yourself on an equality with them you will not be able to do all that your own judgment might suggest. God’s workers are to counsel together.

Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh, Part II

Whatever I lose in this world, whatever opposition I have, I want to be one of the people that is ready when Jesus comes. Lord, if there is anything in my life that is wrong, please point it out to me.

Prophecies on God’s Church in the End Time, Part I

The end time is marked with a terrible situation, as has never before been. God has given specific guidance for His people during this time through the Spirit of Prophecy.

Watchmen Unto the House of Israel, Part II

Yes, as watchmen, we must be able to say, “The morning cometh”—the morning of hope, the morning of peace, the morning of deliverance. “Watchman, what of the night?”

Good News for Pharisees and Sadducees

The Pharisees and Sadducees were victims of salvation by works, and, in spite of the meticulous appearance they tried to maintain before the crowds, they all had their hidden problems.

The Ten Commandments, Part XV – When Gain is Loss

There is nothing considerate or brotherly in a gambling transaction. Men gamble simply as a result of their feverish desire for quick and easy gain, at any cost, even their own souls.

Children’s Story – The Surprise Package Company

And so “The Surprise Package Company” was born. The children began to think about things that they could do to be helpful and kind.

Question – Is there such a thing as an instant conversion?

Question: Is there such a thing as an instant conversion? Answer: What is an instant conversion?...

Restoring the Temple – Proper Education, Part I

There should have been in past generations provisions made for education upon a larger scale. In connection with the schools should have been agricultural and manufacturing establishments.

The Pen of Inspiration – The Advent Faith

Is this the time for Seventh-day Adventists to lose their faith and grow cold and formal? God forbid! Shall we turn traitor at the very moment when God would be most glorified by our steadfast adherence to principle?

Nature Nugget – Lichen Intimacy

Lichens are composed of two organisms living beneficially together and forming a new life form. The dominant partner in the relationship is a fungus.

Food for Life – Lowering your Blood Pressure

Diet is also important in lowering blood pressure. When our food intake is high in natural foods as grown from the earth and prepared with as few additives as possible, blood pressure can be lowered.

Recipe – Tomato Salad

Tomatoes Olive Oil Bell Pepper Salt Onion Choose nice ripe tomatoes. Slice the tomatoes, bell pepper, and onion, then add salt to taste and a small amount of olive oil. This should be eaten right after preparing. Other spices can be added to suit your taste such as fresh parsley, dill, or basil, or you ... Read more

Bible Study Guides – The Sabbath in Eden

October 1, 2006 - October 7, 2006 - The Sabbath was instituted in Eden and observed by our first parents before the fall. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command, and ate of the forbidden fruit, they were expelled from Eden; but they observed the Sabbath after their fall.

Bible Study Guides – The Sabbath After Eden

October 8, 2006 - October 14, 2006 - Before the Fall our first parents had kept the Sabbath, which was instituted in Eden; and after their expulsion from Paradise they continued its observance. They had tasted the bitter fruits of disobedience,...

Bible Study Guides – The Sabbath in the Wilderness

October 15, 2006 - October 21, 2006 - What word did God use to express the importance of the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments? Exodus 20:8.

Bible Study Guides – The Babylonian Captivity

October 22, 2006 - October 28, 2006 - “In calling the attention of Judah to the sins that finally brought upon them the Babylonian Captivity, the Lord declared: ‘Thou hast . . . profaned My Sabbaths.’

All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.