Bible Study Guides – “Known and Read of All Men”

November 28, 1999 – December 4, 1999

Memory Verse

“Ye are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14.

Study Help: Ministry of Healing, 349–355.


“It is no small matter for a family to stand as representatives of Jesus, keeping God’s law in an unbelieving community. We are required to be living epistles known and read of all men. This position involves fearful responsibilities.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 106.

“The effort to make the home what it should be—a symbol of the home in heaven—prepares us for work in a larger sphere. The education received by showing a tender regard for each other, enables us to know how to reach hearts that need to be taught the principles of true religion.…The truth lived at home makes itself felt in disinterested labor abroad. He who lives Christianity in the home will be a bright and shining light everywhere.” Signs of the Times, September 1, 1898.

“Ye Shall be My Sons and Daughters”

  1. How does God use the family to teach us about our relationship with Him? Ephesians 5:21–31; Matthew 6:9; 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18.

note: “He who gave Eve to Adam as a helpmeet, performed His first miracle at a marriage festival. In the festal hall where friends and kindred rejoiced together, Christ began His public ministry. Thus He sanctioned marriage, recognizing it as an institution that He Himself had established. He ordained that men and women should be united in holy wedlock, to rear families whose members, crowned with honor, should be recognized as members of the family above. Christ honored the marriage relation by making it also a symbol of the union between Him and His redeemed ones. He Himself is the Bridegroom; the bride is the church.…Christ ‘loved the church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it;…that it should be holy and without blemish.’ ‘So ought men to love their wives.’ Ephesians 5:25–28.” Ministry of Healing, 356.

  1. What does Paul teach about the fathers and children? Ephesians 6:1–4.

note: “The children look to the father for support and guidance; he needs to have a right conception of life and of the influences and associations that surround his family; above all he should be controlled by the love and fear of God and by the teaching of His word, that he may guide the feet of his children in the right way.…The father should do his part toward making home happy.” Ministry of Healing, 390, 392.

“The restoration and uplifting of humanity begins in the home. The work of parents underlies every other. Society is composed of families, and is what the heads of families make it. Out of the heart are ‘the issues of life’ (Proverbs 4:23); and the heart of the community, of the church, and of the nation is the household. The well-being of society, the success of the church, the prosperity of the nation, depend upon home influences.” Ministry of Healing, 349.

  1. What part did his mother and grandmother play in Timothy’s spiritual development? 2 Timothy 1:5.

note: “Especially does responsibility rest upon the mother. She, by whose lifeblood the child is nourished and its physical frame built up, imparts to it also mental and spiritual influences that tend to the shaping of mind and character. It was Jochebed, the Hebrew mother, who, strong in faith, was ‘not afraid of the king’s commandment’ (Hebrews 11:23), of whom was born Moses, the deliverer of Israel. It was Hannah, the woman of prayer and self-sacrifice and heavenly inspiration, who gave birth to Samuel, the heaven-instructed child, the incorruptible judge, the founder of Israel’s sacred schools. It was Elizabeth, the kinswoman and kindred spirit of Mary of Nazareth, who was the mother of the Saviour’s herald.” Ministry of Healing, 372.

  1. How should the divine pattern for our relationships show in our earthly families? Ephesians 4:32; Ephesians 5:1, 2.

note: “‘Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?’ Christ Himself became poor for our sake, that we, through His poverty, might come into possession of eternal riches. He has adopted the poor and the suffering as His own peculiar treasure, and has left them to the care of His church. His disciples are to be stewards of His gifts, and to use His bounties in relieving suffering humanity. They are to feed and clothe and shelter those who have need. Parents are to present to their children the example of being God’s almoners, in order that they in turn may become missionaries, may be tender-hearted, pitiful, kind, patient laborers together with God. They are to work as co-partners with Christ to restore, to heal, to save those who are perishing.” Review and Herald, October 15, 1895.

“Ye Are the Light of the World”

  1. What is God’s purpose for the Christian home? Matthew 5:16.

note: “A well-ordered Christian household is a powerful argument in favor of the reality of the Christian religion—an argument that the infidel cannot gainsay. All can see that there is an influence
at work in the family that affects the children, and that the God of Abraham is with them. If the homes of professed Christians
had a right religious mold, they would exert a mighty influence for good. They would indeed be the ‘light of the world.’” Patriarchs and Prophets, 144.

  1. Which young people in the Bible show the missionary power of a godly upbringing? 2 Kings 5:1–5; Daniel 1:1–8.

note: “Missionaries for the Master are best prepared for work abroad in the Christian household, where God is feared, where God is loved, where God is worshipped, where faithfulness has become second nature, where haphazard, careless inattention to duty is not permitted, where quiet communion with God is looked upon as essential to the performance of daily duties.” The Adventist Home, 35.

  1. God had important work for Moses, Samuel and John the Baptist. What does the Bible say about the families in which they were brought up? Exodus 2:1–10; 1 Samuel 1; Luke 1:5, 6.

note: “God designs that the families of earth shall be a symbol of the family in heaven. Christian homes, established and conducted in accordance with God’s plan, are among His most effective agencies for the formation of Christian character and for the advancement of His work. If parents desire to see a different state of things in their families, let them consecrate themselves wholly to God and co-operate with Him in the work whereby a transformation may take place in their households. When our own homes are what they should be, our children will not be allowed to grow up in idleness and indifference to the claims of God in behalf of the needy all about them. As the Lord’s heritage, they will be qualified to take up the work where they are. A light will shine from such homes which will reveal itself in behalf of the ignorant, leading them to the source of all knowledge. An influence will be exerted that will be a power for God and for His truth.” Testimonies, vol. 6, 430.

“Sing Unto God, Sing Praises Unto His Name”

  1. How does God care for those who do not have an earthly family? Psalm 68:5 first part; Psalm 27:10; Matthew 19:29.

note: “If we surrender our lives to His service, we can never be placed in a position for which God has not made provision. Whatever may be our situation, we have a Guide to direct our way; whatever our perplexities, we have a sure Counselor; whatever our sorrow, bereavement, or loneliness, we have a sympathizing Friend. If in our ignorance we make missteps, Christ does not leave us. His voice, clear and distinct, is heard saying, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ John 14:6. ‘He shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper.’ Psalm 72: 12.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 173.

“Christians may have the joy of communion with Christ; they may have the light of His love, the perpetual comfort of His presence. Every step in life may bring us closer to Jesus, may give us a deeper experience of His love, and may bring us one step nearer to the blessed home of peace. Then let us not cast away our confidence, but have firm assurance, firmer than ever before. ‘Hitherto hath the Lord helped us,’ and He will help us to the end. 1 Samuel 7: 12. Let us look to the monumental pillars, reminders of what the Lord has done to comfort us and to save us from the hand of the destroyer. Let us keep fresh in our memory all the tender mercies that God has shown us—the tears He has wiped away, the pains He has soothed, the anxieties removed, the fears dispelled, the wants supplied, the blessings bestowed—thus strengthening ourselves for all that is before us through the remainder of our pilgrimage.” Steps to Christ, 125.

  1. Does God understand the hearts of those who are alone? Psalm 68:6 first part; Psalm 68:5 second part; Isaiah 54:5.

note: “Our work in this world is to live for others’ good, to bless others, to be hospitable; and frequently it may be only at some inconvenience that we can entertain those who really need our care and the benefit of our society and our homes.” Testimonies, vol. 2, 645.

“These acts of courtesy God thought of sufficient importance to record in His word; and more than a thousand years later they were referred to by an inspired apostle: ‘Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.’ Hebrews 13:2. The privilege granted Abraham and Lot is not denied to us. By showing hospitality to God’s children we, too, may receive His angels into our dwellings. Even in our day, angels in human form enter the homes of men and are entertained by them. And Christians who live in the light of God’s countenance are always accompanied by unseen angels, and these holy beings leave behind them a blessing in our homes.” Testimonies, vol. 6, 342.

  1. What counsel did Paul give to those who, like himself, were alone? Philippians 4:11; 1 Corinthians 7:32–35.

note: “Every saint who comes to God with a true heart, and sends his honest petitions to Him in faith, will have his prayers answered. Your faith must not let go of the promises of God, if you do not see or feel the immediate answer to your prayers. Be not afraid to trust God. Rely upon His sure promise: ‘Ask, and ye shall receive.’ God is too wise to err, and too good to withhold any good thing from His saints that walk uprightly. Man is erring, and although his petitions are sent up from an honest heart, he does not always ask for the things that are good for himself, or that will glorify God. When this is so, our wise and good Father hears our prayers, and will answer, sometimes immediately; but He gives us the things that are for our best good and His own glory. God gives us blessings; if we could look into His plan, we would clearly see that He knows what is best for us and that our prayers are answered. Nothing hurtful is given, but the blessing we need, in the place of something we asked for that would not be good for us, but to our hurt.” Testimonies, vol. 1, 120, 121.

“In Thee Shall All Families of the Earth be Blessed”

  1. Through whose line are all families of the earth to be blessed? Genesis 12:1–4.

note: “God made the promise to Abraham, ‘In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.’ To Abraham was unfolded God’s purpose for the redemption of the race. The Sun of righteousness shone
upon him, and his darkness was scattered.” Youth’s Instructor, September 13, 1900.

  1. What is that blessing, and through whom does it come to us and our families? Acts 3:25, 26.

note: “The gospel is a wonderful simplifier of life’s problems. Its instruction, heeded, would make plain many a perplexity and save us from many an error. It teaches us to estimate things at their true value and to give the most effort to the things of greatest worth—the things that will endure.…Let them remember that the home on earth is to be a symbol of and a preparation for the home in heaven. Life is a training school, from which parents and children are to be graduated to the higher school in the mansions of God.” Ministry of Healing, 363.

“The gospel is the sanctifying influence in our world. Its influence upon hearts will bring harmony.” Testimonies, vol. 8, 77.

The Regular Lines — God’s Work Revived

Dear Brother Daniells: I am sending you some things which I wrote some time ago, but have not before had the strength to search for. — Pharisaism in the Christian world today is not extinct. The Lord desires to break up the course of precision which has become so firmly established, which has hindered instead of advancing His work. He desires His people to remember that there is a large space over which the light of present truth is to be shed. Divine wisdom must have abundant room in which to work. It is to advance without asking permission or support from those who have taken to themselves a kingly power. In the past one set of men have tried to keep in their own hands the control of all means coming from the churches, and have used this means in a most disproportionate manner, erecting expensive buildings where such large buildings were unnecessary and uncalled for, and leaving needy places without help or encouragement. They have taken upon themselves the grave responsibility of retarding the work where the work should have been advanced. It has been left to a few supposed kingly minds to say what fields should be worked and what fields should be left unworked. A few men have kept the truth in circumscribed channels, because to open new fields would call for money. Only in those places in which they were interested have they been willing to invest means. And at the same time, in a few places, five times as much money as was necessary has been invested in buildings. The same amount of money used in establishing plants in places where the truth has never been introduced would have brought many souls to a saving knowledge of Christ. [All emphasis supplied.]

For years the same routine, the same “regular way” of working has been followed, and God’s work has been greatly hindered. The narrow plans that have been followed by those who did not have clear, sanctified judgment has resulted in a showing that is not approved by God.

God calls for a revival and a reformation. The “regular lines” have not done the work which God desires to see accomplished. Let revival reformation make constant changes. Something has been done in this line, but let not the work stop here. No! Let every yoke be broken. Let men awaken to the realization that they have an individual responsibility.

The present showing is sufficient to prove to all who have the true missionary spirit that the “regular lines” may prove a failure and a snare. God helping His people, the circle of kings who dared to take such great responsibilities shall never again exercise their unsanctified power in the so-called “regular lines.” Too much power has been invested in unrevived, unreformed human agencies. Let not selfishness and covetousness be allowed to outline the work which must be done to fulfill the grand, noble commission which Christ has given to every disciple. He, our Lord and Master, has given us an example, in His life, of self-sacrifice, of the way in which we must work to advance the kingdom of God.

God does not call upon His missionaries to show their devotion to Him by burying themselves in monasteries, or by going on long, painful pilgrimages. It is not necessary to do this to show a willingness to deny self. It is by working for those for whom Christ died that we show true love. By humiliation, suffering, and rejection Christ purchased the salvation of the human race. By His death He made it possible for man to enjoy a home in His eternal kingdom. Those who love the Lord will look at Calvary, and will think of how the Lord of life and glory laid aside His royal robes and kingly crown, and clothing His divinity with humanity, came to a world all seared and marred with the curse, to stand at the head of the fallen race, becoming their example in all things, bearing all the trials they have to bear and enduring all the temptations they have to endure. He lived the life of the poorest, and suffered often with hunger. “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests,” He said, “But the Son of Man hath not where to lay His head.”

As a man beholds this divine love, this wonderful sacrifice, he is filled with a desire to spend his life in the service of the Redeemer.

As the sinner convicted and converted, Jesus says to him, “Follow me, and you shall not walk in darkness.” To each human being God has assigned an individuality and a distinct work. Abraham was called to go into new territory. He was to be a light-bearer to the heathen. Those who believe in the Lord are not to live to please themselves. The soul of every sinner is precious in the sight of God, and demands the care of those whose names are on the church books.

Christ’s commission is, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Those who are impressed to take up the work in the home field or in regions beyond are to go forward in the name of the Lord. They will succeed if they give evidence that they depend upon God for grace and strength. At the beginning, their work may be very small, but it will enlarge if they follow the Lord’s plan. God lives, and He will work for the unselfish, self-sacrificing laborer, wherever and whoever he may be.

We look to see whether new fields have been worked whether the barren portions of the Lord’s vineyard have received attention. We see that most of those who have sought to begin work in new regions, as Brother Shireman has done, have been discouraged by those at the heart of the work, for fear that they would need money form the treasury. Yet from that same treasury money has been used to erect imposing and unnecessarily expensive buildings. If men had received the wisdom of God, they would have exercised justice and equity in regard to the outlay of means. All parts of the Lord’s vineyard would have received a just portion of help.

There are many who, with proper encouragement, would begin in out-of-the-way places to make efforts to seek and to save that which is lost. The Lord blesses those self-sacrificing ones, who have such a hunger for souls that they are willing to go anywhere to work. But, in the past, how much encouragement has been given to such workers by their brethren?

Many of them have waited for something to do, but no attention has been given to them.

If the ministers had given help and encouragement to these men and women, they would have been doing the work appointed them by the Lord. They have been the spiritual poverty of unworked fields, and have longed to do something to help. But it has taken so long for encouragement to come to them that many have gone into other lines of work.

Shall the “regular lines,” which say that every mind shall be controlled by two or three minds at Battle Creek, continue to bear sway? The Macedonian cry is coming from every quarter. Shall men go to the “regular lines” to see whether they will be permitted to labor, or shall they go out and work as best they can, depending on their own abilities and on the help of the Lord, beginning in a humble way and creating an interest in the truth in places in which nothing has been done to give the warning message?

The Lord has encouraged those who have started out on their own responsibility to work for Him, their hearts filled with love for souls ready to perish. A true missionary spirit will be imparted to those who seek earnestly to know God and Jesus Christ, whom He hath sent. The Lord lives and reigns. Young men, go forth into places to which you are directed by the Spirit of the Lord. Work with your hands, that you may be self-supporting, and as you have opportunity, proclaim the message of warning.

The Lord has blessed the work that J.E. White has tried to do in the South. God grant that the voices which have been so quickly raised to say that all the money invested in the work must go through the appointed channel at Battle Creek, shall not be heard. The people to whom God has given His means are amenable to Him alone. It is their privilege to give direct aid and assistance to missions. It is because of the misappropriation of means that the Southern field has no better showing than it has today.

I do not consider it the duty of the Southern branch of our work, in the publication and handling of books, to be under the dictation of our established publishing houses. And if means can be devised to reduce the expense of publishing and circulation books, let this be done.

I have to say, my brother, that I have no desire to see the work in the South moving forward in the old, regular lines. When I see how strongly the idea prevails that the methods of handling our books in the past shall be retained, because what has been must be, I have no heart to advise that former customs shall continue, Let those who are laboring in Nashville do the will of God in all humility. I sincerely hope that the changes will be made that the necessities of the case demand.

I have more to write, but have no time now.

(Signed) Ellen G. White.

June 28, 1901

Taken from The Spalding Magan Collection, 174-177

Letter from Secretariat, General Conference of Seventh day Adventists

Dear Brother and Sister:

Elder Folkenberg asked me to reply to your letter of December 1996 in which you expressed concern over violence that erupted toward two men, Livingstone Kul and Jonathan Gray, in Papua New Guinea, and you expressed the hope that some disciplinary action might be taken toward the church officials.

I had not heard of the incident until I read your letter, so I made contact with the South Pacific Division officers in Australia to discover what took place. They had not heard either. Isn’t it strange how stories circulate the globe, and create criticism and anger, while the people where the incidents are said to have happened sometimes know nothing of it.

In this case, there is some truth to the report, and some error. We now have a report from our leaders in Papua New Guinea. It appears that the trouble began when a group of disloyal independent Adventists held a camp meeting in a province of Papua New Guinea, and, without any authority from the Church, ordained two of their number to the gospel ministry. This was done by a man from the African country of Zimbabwe who has no authority to ordain. These independents had built their church alongside the Adventist church, and then proceeded to brand the Adventist church as “Babylon,” and the leaders of our Church as corrupt.

It is true that a fight broke out and two men, Jonathan Gray and Livingston Kul were beaten. But it was not the officials of the Church who did this. It was ex-Adventists who beat these two men. You see, in Papua New Guinea, most of the people are uneducated, superstitious village people, not far removed from heathenism. In their culture, if someone accuses another to the point where it is hurtful, he gets a beating for it.

Our church leaders have encouraged our Church members to leave off these old customs, and to ignore the taunts of the independent group. And apparently our members have accepted the counsel. But the ex-Adventists were not inclined to let it go unpunished. These former Adventists were very jealous for the Church to which they used to belong. They are not prepared to hear it criticized and abused the way the independents do it, so it was they, the ex-Adventists, who dealt out what they consider to be just punishment. In fact, they went even further and burnt down the church which the independents had built.

We do not condone such conduct, nor do the Papua New Guinea Union officers. But we have no authority to discipline ex-Adventists. Now that you have a clearer picture of what happened, I’m sure you will understand some of the difficulties our leaders face in trying to shepherd the Church along the pathway of life.

Our prayers ascend with yours for peace and progress in the work of God.

Your friend in Christ,

Athal H Tolhurst


(301) 680-6643

Letter from Papua New Guinea

President, Eastern Highlands-Simbu Mission of Seventh-day Adventist Church,

P.O. Box 966

Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province

Dear Pastor,

It is with great sorrow that we write to you regarding the shameful treatment of Pastor Livingstone Kul by Elders, Deacons and church members at Bena Bena on Wednesday the 11th of December. Pastor Livingstone was severely beaten and a church building was burnt down at the time of this assault. Elders and Deacons led the group of church members who beat and kicked Pastor Livingstone as he was fellowshipping with fellow believers.

Pastor this is not the first time this has happened in the Eastern Highlands and we are aware of cases of assault in Kabuifa and Bena Bena in the past. No action was ever taken against the people involved in these assaults even though they were Elders and Deacons of God’s church. To make this situation worse these assaults occurred on Sabbath following divine services.

In Matthew 5:21–23 Jesus tells us, “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgement. But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgement.’ We are also counseled in Isaiah 58:1 that we should “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet and shew my people their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins.” In Ezekiel 3:17–21, God requires us to warn people of their sins or their blood will be required of us.

Pastor, we humbly request that you call the perpetrators of this assault to the church discipline following the Biblical counsel in Matthew 18:15–17. As you are aware, God requires all of His true followers to repent of their sins and true repentance requires making things right with the person you have offended, as well as with God. We are praying for these individuals who committed this assault and asking the Lord Jesus to forgive them for their unconsecrated and unchrist-like behavior.

Pastor you should be aware that as a result of this assault, many church members will question the behaviour of the leaders of God’s church and many more will join the ranks of the laymen who are preaching the need to prepare, by sanctification, for the soon return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

As Pastor Livingstone had a speaking engagement in Australia immediately after the assault, I have also been advised that many Adventists in Australia who have heard the story are also questioning the leadership of God’s church in PNG and believe that they see prophecy being fulfilled. In Great Controversy, Chapter 33, “The Loud Cry,” we read: “As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the Third Angel’s Message, but have not been sanctified through it, abandon the position, and take refuge under the banner of the powers of darkness . . . Men of talent and pleasing address, who once rejoiced in the truth, employ their powers to deceive and mislead souls. They become the most bitter enemies of their former brethren.” [Great Controversy, 608.]

Two thousand years ago the leaders of God’s church took the Son of God, beat and tortured Him and hung Him on the cross to die. Jesus had a very small number of true and faithful supporters, who, in a very short period of time following His death and resurrection, took the Gospel of Salvation to the world, despite experiencing fierce persecution by church leaders. Last year in Kainantu, the Easter Highlands Simbu Mission saw fit to use unbiblical authority to disfellowship a handful of faithful laymen for the “sin” of preaching the Three Angels’ Messages in the streets. In a matter of 18 months, thousands of faithful church members have stood and joined the laymen in order to finish the work of the Gospel. Wherever these laymen have been persecuted, the more church members take their stand for truth. Pastor we are in the shaking time and Jesus will soon return as He is now separating the wheat from the tares.

Pastor, the Leadership of SDA Church can disfellowship all who support the laymen’s movement, but this is not important to us. Names do not need to be written on church roles. The only place that we need to have our names written is the Lambs Book of Life and no church leader can remove our names form this book. Unbiblical civil authority can be employed to try and prevent us from using the term “Seventh-day Adventist” but you cannot erase this from our hearts because Jesus Himself called us in this belief.

The Laymembers Association was not established to destroy God’s church but to preach the soon return of Jesus Christ. We would like to work along side the church in PNG, but we are treated with suspicion and persecution by the SDA church leadership. We pray that God will open the eyes of the leaders of the church in PNG and allow us to work cooperatively to finish the work of the Gospel. The counsel given by Gamaliel in Acts 5:38–39 is so relevant, “And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.”

Pastor we have not been given the opportunity to fully discuss matters of concern with yourself or other leaders in Eastern Highlands Simbu Mission. We would appreciate receiving your response to this letter and we would be happy to meet with you if you so wish.

Your Brethren in Christ Jesus,


Laymembers Association of Papua New Guinea

Response Letter…

Letter from Australia

7th November 1996

Dear Pastor Grosboll,

I have just completed reading your article “A Lesson from Australia” in the September 96 issue of Land Marks. I have found this article very interesting.

It was in the late 1980’s when my husband Peter and I began to get interested in what was happening in Seventh-day Adventism in Australia. We were concerned about what our children were being taught at Avondale College and of some of the student activities happening there. From 1984-90 our five children attended Avondale. At first we neither realized the seriousness or implications of what was happening. We spoke to some about the concerns we had, but were told “not to be critical.”

Then Ron Spear and Marshall Grosboll (and their wives) came to Albury. We asked them to stay with us, and organized a meeting at our home. I can still remember how Ron quoted SOP by memory—it was amazing to us. Marshall took a talk on the Nature of Christ.

After they left we started searching. We soon found ourselves unpopular with our local church Pastor. We searched for truth in our local church and found emptiness. At this time there was a group of about 30 in our church who were meeting with us who were also searching for truth. We knew that we couldn’t stay in a church that was not preparing us for Christ’s soon coming, so we decided to run our own church. We tried to become a Branch Sabbath School and applied to the Conference, but were ignored because we did not go through the “right channels.” We knew that we couldn’t take any new converts to our local Conference Church.

So in 1990 we decided to become a Congregational Church. We ran Sabbath School, Church and Outreach programmes, preaching and teaching the True Advent Doctrine. Then when my husband Peter baptised someone, our local conference church used this as an excuse to disfellowship him and two other men who were also leading out at our church because they did not follow properly constituted church authority, and belonged to a divisive movement.

We continued to meet as a church and had different speakers come to us from America. This caused us problems as they were telling us to go back to the church. Some of our people became confused and went back to the Conference church. After this happened a few times we decided to stop having any visiting preachers and our local men did all the preaching.

We were amazed at these preachers. They were not working for the conference, they were brought to Australia by Independent Ministries, yet they were saying “go back to the church.” At this stage I had only just started hearing about Independent Ministries. Most Australians had the belief that if one was not under the conference, they were not real Seventh-day Adventists. Yet many of these visiting speakers ran or worked for Independent Ministries in America. If they would be doing their same work in Australia, they would not be accepted here.

So much confusion has been caused because our people do not understand what God’s true church is. They mistakenly keep thinking it is the “conference”. We have seen countless people stop attending Independent Camp Meetings—they feel they must go back to “the church,” or if they cannot face the apostasy in their conference church they would sooner stay at home alone rather than worship with us because we have “formed a new church.” We have seen attendance dwindle from hundreds down to small groups.

Not only did we face this confusion, but our pulpit has been used by people with strange theology who see a ready made audience for their way off theology. This has caused us problems when some of our members were influenced by them. It seemed as soon as we gained a few more members, someone would come along and they would leave. We have had issues of separationism, pictures as idols, futurism, corporate responsibility and many more.

Currently we are at our lowest membership for quite some time with a few families leaving. About 20 attend each Sabbath. Yes, Satan has been at work in our church but we also see God’s great blessings. We hear wonderful sermons about being prepared for Christ’s coming. My husband Peter is the original preacher left and he preaches most of the sermons. He finds it difficult to find the time to prepare these as he holds down a full time job in the workforce.

There is much more I could write but time does not permit me to do this. I am so grateful that at long last other people can see the problem in Australia. We have seen the gradual change over years, of some of the visiting ministers, as apostasy deepens in the SDA church. They seem to understand our position and we are not now dismissed as “offshoots.” We are very grateful of the support of Russell Standish, Tom Turner and O.K. Anderson.

Thank you for your magazine. I enjoy the articles and appreciate the effort that goes into these.

May God continue to bless you,
Name Withheld

Letter From Papua New Guinea – February 19, 1996

Dear Brother Wal & Sist. Betty,

Hello and good day to you. Greetings and Christian loves from ONG laymen. Hope you are fine down there. I’d like to extend greetings from the fellow brenthren and the L.M. Kainanatu, to you and your family and the Brethrens. Thanks for your good companionship and encouragements at the Loudcry Camp last year at Brisbane. What a good time.

Well, it’s a busy year for me and our laymen and fellow workers. We are busy getting things organized in our Lay Ministering. The Laymembers Association of S.D.A. Church—PNG has already sponsored seven permanent workers. Two evangelists, Pr. Livingston and myself and five missionaries who will be pastoring about 25-30 churches. We’ve also sponsored 60-70 volunteer lay missionaries over almost 15-19 provinces or states. There are about 5-7 churches (new ones) under construction and more churches are splitting up from the organized church because of the shaking going on here.

We’re under threats from the Conference. The pastors and church leaders have given commands to stone us. This was been announced thru their preachings in the past weeks on the rostrum during the service. Commanding them saying we were “the Achans” and are to be stoned. Last week the pastors and church members mobilized the heathens to stone me in the public preaching in Geroka town and this week they captured me with bush knives while I was running an evangelistic meeting in one of the big villages. The Lord put me out of their way and they just came and destroyed the pulpit so we have to build it again, and continue with our meeting. It may sound to you as an early persecution, yes! Please pray for us.

The biggest project is also underway amidst such disturbances. The L.M.A. Office Complex which will contain the printing press, the library, the bookshop, the main office, the guest house, the pastors house, and the computer room. We are still short of funds to start and complete the project. As an Interium Secretary and Treasurer, I’m busy writing letters for appeals and doing some secretarial work for the churches and most of my time I’m preaching here and there with Pastor Livingston side by side, and the laymen. Hope you don’t mind the long stories I’ve told. So far we’ve dedicated two new churches and we’re looking forward to dedication of 15-17 new churches this year.

Well, may God bless you. Hope to hear from you sometimes. Thank you for your attention. Bye Bye.

Please don’t forget that: “It’s our duty to do all in our power to avert the threaten danger . . . a vast responsibility is devolting upon men and women of prayer thru out the land to petition that God may sweep back the cloud of evil, and give a few more years of grace to work for our Master.” Review and Herald, December 11, 1888.

Your brother in Christ,

Harold S. Peiko

A Letter to Newlyweds

Dear Edson & Emma,

My dear children, I am desirous that you should know Christ by experimental knowledge of Him yourselves. You should obtain an experience for yourselves and be His earnest, faithful servants, manifesting perseverance and zeal and energy in the work and cause of God. Seek to exemplify Christ in your lives. Seek to adorn your profession. Take an exalted position in divine things, seeking to perfect Christian character.

You, my children, have given your hearts to one another; unitedly give them wholly, unreservedly to God. In your married life, seek to elevate one another, not to come down to common, cheap talk and actions. Show the high and elevating principles of your holy faith in your everyday conversations and in the most private walks of life. Be ever careful and tender of the feelings of one another. Do not allow either of you for even the first time, a playful bantering, joking, censuring of one another. These things are dangerous. They wound. The wound may be concealed, nevertheless the wound exists, and peace is being sacrificed and happiness endangered when it could be easily preserved.

Edson, my son, guard yourself and in no case manifest the least disposition savoring of a dictatorial, overbearing spirit. It will pay to watch your words before speaking. This is easier than to take them back or efface their impression afterwards. Brother Winslow has made his married life very bitter by a dictatorial, ordering spirit, savoring of the arbitrary. He has made his wife’s family much trouble by the set will savoring of perverseness.

Edson, shun all this. Ever speak kindly; do not throw into the tones of your voice that which will be taken by others as irritability. Modulate even the tones of your voice. Let only love, gentleness, and mildness be expressed in your countenance and in your voice. Make it a business to shed rays of sunlight, but never leave a cloud. Emma will be all to you you can desire if you are watchful and give her no occasion to feel distressed and troubled and doubt the genuineness of your love. Yourselves can make your happiness, or lose it. You can, by seeking to conform your life to the Word of God, be true, noble, elevated, and smooth the pathway of life for each other.

Edson, you, my dear boy, have to educate yourself in practicing self-control. God help you, my much loved son, to see the force of my advice and counsel to you. Be careful every day of your words and acts. Yield to each other. Yield your judgment sometimes, Edson; do not be persistent if your course appears just right to yourself. You must be yielding, forbearing, kind, tenderhearted, pitiful, courteous, ever keeping fresh the little courtesies of life, the tender acts, the tender, cheerful, encouraging words. And may the best of Heaven’s blessings rest upon you both, my dear children, is the prayer of your mother. Manuscript Release, vol. 20, 333, 334.

The End