Aim High

I know little about guns, but I remember that, as a child at home, we would occasionally shoot a BB gun. My brother, Ronnie, was the best BB shooter, probably because he practiced more. In using some of the guns that are available today, a person has to learn to aim a little higher to hit the intended target, because of the way they project.

So often, in this life, we aim low. We are afraid, by faith, to aim high. We may ask God, every day, “Lord, send me one soul to whom I may witness.” This is a wonderful prayer, and we should continue praying it, but friends, why not say, “God, I want more than one today; let me be Your witness for dozens or maybe for hundreds”? Why not aim high? If you ask Him for one, He can give you ten. If you ask for ten, He can give you even more! Do not aim so low. Aim high, because there is something better. The Bible says, “Without a vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18.) Without hope, we are a most miserable people.

If I did not have the hope of tomorrow, of spending eternity with the Lord, I would feel like giving up, at times. How about you? There are times when feelings and emotions flood in and circumstances overwhelm—circumstances that may make me say, “Why continue on?” But, you know, there is a hope instilled within my heart that keeps me keeping on. Then is when I know that I need to take aim, a higher aim, because that is what God wants for my life today.

In Adventism, today, it seems that we are perishing a little bit. I know there is good here and there, and I am convinced that, to the very end of time, the Holy Spirit is promised to God’s last day church. Now, think about that. The Holy Spirit is promised to the true church until the end of time. Where the Holy Spirit is, there things will be happening. There cannot be a lifeless church, if the Holy Spirit is there. There cannot be a church in existence that could be doing what God would have it do, without the power of the Holy Spirit. We cannot do it alone. Men can work hard; they can have meetings, but without the Spirit, their works have no effect. Their efforts are not lasting; they will not take hold.

The True Church

It is easy for us to identify the true church of today. I do not say this boastingly, because God’s Word identifies it, for anyone who wants to open His Book and read about it in Revelation 12:17: “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

It is easy to identify God’s last day, true church. Will it have a name written on the outside? I doubt it. But God’s last day people will be known by specific, identifying marks, and it is much more than mere lip service. If you have been raised in Adventism, you know that it is easy to have lip service, because you continually hear the gospel, if you are consistent in your churchgoing. But it is not until it is heartfelt and the born again experience is realized that it really takes root and holds real meaning for you.

To identify, in a very real way, God’s last day church, look at those around you who are on fire for the Lord. Look at those with whom the devil is angry.

In verse 9, it says, “The great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” When reading verse 17, where it says that the “dragon was wroth,” or angry, we know, from verse 9, that the dragon refers to the devil. So, the devil is angry. He is furious. It is important to understand why he is furious. The devil does not really care whether or not you pay tithe. He does not care whether or not you attend church every week. He does not care whether or not you claim, “I am a Christian.” He does not care whether or not you witness. But he really becomes angry when you get on fire—when you want to talk about Jesus, when you want to tell others, “This is what Jesus has done for me . . . .”

If a church is working, the devil will be present to disrupt it. Where there is unity, he will cause disunity. He will use whatever means he can to upset the members. He will use little things, little differences of opinion that, I say, do not amount to a hill of beans.

Where do you think the dragon wants to work, and where does he work the hardest? He works among those of whom he is afraid, those who will rightly represent Jesus Christ, not just in word but in deed.

Woman Represents Church

So, “the dragon was wroth with the woman.” Some may wonder whom the woman represents. In the Old Testament, God compares the church to a woman. “I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate [woman].” Jeremiah 6:2. (See also Isaiah 54:5, 6.)

There will be only two churches at the end of time. In Revelation 12, Christ speaks of the pure woman, the pure church, the one that is like Jesus, the one without spot and wrinkle. Then, in Revelation 17, the harlot is described.

Godly Jealousy

When Scripture says, “The devil was angry with the woman,” to which woman is this text referring? It would have to be God’s true church, if the devil is angry with the church. God’s true church is not a building; it is not a ministry; it is not a conference church; it is not an independent church. The woman in Revelation 12:17 represents God’s people—we say God’s church—His true and faithful people.

God talks about the pure woman; then He talks about the harlot. He talks about His people when they are serving Him, and He talks about His people when they are in apostasy. He refers to those things.

The Bible says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God.” 11 Timothy 2:15. So, to help get this straight in your mind, read 11 Corinthians 11:2: “For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy.” The word jealousy may denote the feeling that is felt by an apprehension of departure from fidelity on the part of those whom we love; or it may denote a fervid and glowing attachment. Paul loved the Corinthians, and he feared that they were in danger of being seduced from the simplicity of the gospel.

Do you realize that there is a difference between human jealousy and godly jealousy? Godly jealousy is a jealousy that has God’s honor at heart. (For example, see 1 Kings 19:10.) Our human jealousy is of the devil. “All selfishness comes from Satan.” Lift Him Up, 292. We must be careful to guard ourselves from such jealousy. Self is the greatest enemy any of us will ever have, because selfishness affects the choices we make.

If you ask someone, “Why did you do this?” he or she may respond, “Because I wanted to.”

“Why did you eat this?”

“Because it is what I like to eat,” he or she tells you.

It all has to do with self—even becoming jealous of someone.

Two Identifying Marks

11 Corinthians 11:2 continues: “For I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present [you as] a chaste virgin to Christ.” Once again, Christ refers to His church as His people. The devil is angry at the true church, and he has gone to make war with the remnant. The remnant refers to those few who are standing for truth just before Jesus comes, those few that are faithful to the end. Inspiration is quite clear that a very small number are going to stand the test. (See Last Day Events, 180.) A lot of people will profess Christ, but when the going gets tough, most of them will get going.

With whom is Satan angry? He is angry with those who keep the Commandments of God. You may hear churches or people say, “Let us not worry about keeping God’s Ten Commandments,” or “Yes, we believe in all of the Ten Commandments, except for the fourth one.” Dear friends, we must remove that kind of thinking from our minds. The Bible is very clear that the devil is angry with those who keep all of the Commandments of God. That is why the majority of the world does not keep them.

Do you see why the majority of the world today is living by situational ethics, in which absolute standards are considered less important than the requirements of a particular situation? The standards used may vary from one situation to another, and may even contradict one another. People think that in a given situation, something is all right to do, if they need or want to do it, even though it may not normally be okay.

Satan is mad at those who keep the Commandments of God. He likes for us to profess to be commandment keepers while breaking them in thought or action, because that is damaging to the cause of Christ.

Satan is also angry with those who have the testimony of Jesus Christ. What is the testimony of Jesus Christ? Revelation 19:10 tells us very plainly that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

If a group states, “We go to church on Sabbath,” that is wonderful, but they are still missing one of the identifying marks. In the Seventh-day Adventist Church today, if you hear a preacher say, “Yes, we keep the commandments,” but you see him and his congregation take their Spirit of Prophecy books and throw them into the trash can, would you think they are God’s last-day, remnant church? How may I be so bold? Because the Bible is so bold as to say that the remnant has these two identifying marks. That is clear for us today. It is easy to identify the true church.

What Motivates You?

What are some of the things that motivate you in this life? What, day by day, are some of the things that motivate you to do what you do? What are some of the things that motivate you to be a Christian? There are many Christians who are not motivated. There are many people who are not motivated to do anything. They just want to sit and do nothing or fill their minds with rubbish. A born again Christian will be a motivated individual. If we are not motivated, someone needs to encourage us to become motivated.

Grandpa Shelton wanted to know how motivated my brothers and I were when he gave us two shovels, on a day when we would rather have been out in the pond swimming, and put us in the grain bin to shovel corn. We were not too motivated, young as we were, to be in that old, windowless, hot barn, shoveling corn. But as Christians, we have to be motivated, no matter what tasks we are given.

One Step at a Time

One time, I was clearing glass and tin cans from under a house. In earlier years, someone must have used that spot as his or her trash disposal dump. As I shoveled and removed the trash, it was not long before I could almost stand up underneath the floor joists. But I began to get discouraged, because it seemed that the more I shoveled, the more trash there was. I knew, when I filled the five-gallon bucket and emptied it, that I was removing something, but there seemed to be more trash there. I said, “Something has got to motivate me here. I am getting a little discouraged.” Then a simple thought came to me: “If I take this one piece of glass, shovel it into the bucket, and then go empty the bucket, that piece of glass will not be here when I return.” When I dumped it out onto the trash pile, it was not coming back to be cleared again. I needed to realize that every time I removed a bucketful, it was one less bucketful I would have to take, and eventually the job would be completed. It would be done right.

That is the way it is in everything we do. We need to take each job, each challenge, one step at a time. It is that way even in our Christian growth. It is one step at a time, not a dozen steps at a time.

What motivates us in the spiritual realm of things? Maybe some of you are thinking that you do not really need to be motivated. But there is not a single person who, at times, does not need to be motivated. You will have a dirty house if you are not motivated, but perhaps your motivation to clean your house comes from knowing that you may at any time have unexpected guests. Most of you keep your house clean and your dishes washed, because you are motivated. No one has to tell you to do that. But when children are young, a lot of times the parents have to motivate them to complete their chores.

Definite Aim

The success in this life and in the life to come depends on being motivated, with a definite aim in mind. Friends, where do you want to spend eternity? What, in this life, would you like to see accomplished for God while you are here? Are you aiming low when you should be aiming high? When you are aiming low, friend, you are aiming for hell. You have to aim high, because God is high and uplifting. He wants to do great things for you and for me.

Drawing Power

Another question to consider is, What is the drawing power that has brought you to the present point in your life? Something has worked in every one of our lives to bring us to where we are today, but we are not to stay where we are now. God does not want us to become stale and stagnant, because then we are not motivated to go on or to go higher or to exercise more faith. God has another purpose in mind for each of us.

What is the drawing power in our lives? The power we each need in our lives is described in 11 Timothy 3:10: “But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience.”

Do you fully know the doctrine? Perhaps you have been cautioned to avoid attending a certain church or listening to a certain speaker, because all they teach is doctrine. We need doctrine! Doctrine is simply a teaching. If we did not have teaching, everyone would believe whatever they wished. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned, and we all need that spiritual discernment, that doctrine. Those who do not have spiritual discernment easily fall for erroneous teachings, simply because they do not compare “line upon line.” (Isaiah 28:10.)

God wants us to have good, sound doctrine, because there is truth. There is a truth about heaven and hell. There is a truth about which day should be held sacred and upon which we are to worship. There is a truth about the sanctuary. There is a truth about what happens when we die. There is a truth about whether or not there is a rapture. It makes a difference. There is a truth about whether or not the plagues are going to fall. There is a truth about probation, which is soon to close . . . and then what? These are truths that God has put in His Word. There is a truth that there is an enemy and that he is alive and well, working among the last day people who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.

The Purpose

If you wonder why people treat you like they sometimes do and why it seems as though everything you do goes wrong, maybe it is because the enemy has targeted you as someone he must discourage and try to destroy. He has realized that you love Jesus, and he is attempting to stop your witness. What is your manner of life, your purpose? We each have a purpose.

I keep a quote from Ellen White’s writings in my Bible, and I read it often; I am trying to learn from it. You may wonder why I have not yet learned it, if I read it often. Our problem is that we read something once, and we think we have learned it. But have we experienced it? Has it made a difference in our lives? We can read our Bibles from Genesis to Revelation, but what is the purpose? Are the truths we read changing our lives? We have to read with a purpose in mind.

The quote from which I am trying to learn is this:

“There is a counterfeit Christianity in the world as well as a genuine Christianity. The true spirit of the man is manifested by the way in which he deals with his fellow man.” The Upward Look, 66.

There is a true Christianity and there is a false Christianity, and we can tell them apart by how we treat our fellow man. Why? Because the motives are different.

Do our motives play a part? “Every action derives its quality from the motive which prompts it, and if the motives are not high, and pure, and unselfish, the mind and character will never become well balanced.” The Youth’s Instructor, April 7, 1898. Motives. Why do you do what you do?

Work From Principle

Sometimes, when you do not feel like doing what you know to be right, what do you do? Do you remember the motto, “Work from principle”? If you do not feel spiritual in the morning when you wake up, let principle motivate you; get your Bible and read it. If you do not really feel like praying, let principle motivate you, and begin praying. If you are tempted to skip church on Sabbath morning, let principle motivate you. I tell you, it works for hundreds and thousands.

Everything we do must be supported by high, pure, and unselfish motives. Do not do something just because your best friend wants you to do it, or your family pressures you to do it. Do it because, from the time you have devoted to Bible study and prayer, you really feel motivated to action. You really desire to do it.

If you want to be like Jesus, you need to daily behold the Lamb of God. Counterfeit Christians will not answer God’s call, when He calls them into action. I challenge you to remember that the true spirit of man is manifested by the way in which he treats his fellow man. What will you see in every person you meet in the coming days? Are you going to see the color of the skin? Are you going to muse whether they are wealthy or poor? Will you see a soul for whom Christ died—one whom He loves just as much as He loves you?

When we see each person as an individual whom Jesus loves, that person becomes valuable to us. That is what He requires of us. Unless we have the same kind of love for others that Jesus has in His heart for each of us, heaven will never be our home. Remember, every person you see is a person for whom Christ died; they are valuable. The world may not value them, but you and I should, as a child of God. If we do this, we will be motivated to labor and help where we can in times of need. We need to come to a point in our lives where we never meet a person whom we do not want to see in heaven.

May God help us to aim high—higher than we have ever before imagined!

Pastor Kenny Shelton is speaker for the television ministry of Behold the Lamb in Herrin, Illinois. He may be contacted by e-mail at:, or by telephone at: 1-800-238-2856.

Bible Study Guides – God’s Purpose for His Church

June 27, 2010 – July 3, 2010

Babylonian Captivity, Escape and Rebuilding God’s Church

A Study for Modern Israel

Ancient Israel’s Capture and Release—A Rebuilding and a Church

God’s Purpose for His Church

Key Text

“Each of the ancient prophets spoke less for their own time than for ours … their prophesying is in force for us … Daniel, Isaiah, and Ezekiel … spoke of things that … reached down to the future, and to what should occur in these last days.” Selected Messages, Book 3, 338, 419, 420.


In an attempt to arrest our attention to the critical purpose of His church, God, through inspiration, uses many kinds of descriptive language, illustrations, and symbols to capture the subject. Scriptures are replete with language that should continually inspire us to search for a deeper understanding of the subject.

Because of this profuse variety of description, there is no one single proper way to illustrate the church’s mission. Yet, there are common themes of illustration that are carried from prophet to prophet. This lesson encapsulates one important set of related themes by which the mission of God’s church may be summarized—and explored in rich veins of study.

Whether or not you, the student, are already familiar with the purpose of God’s church, this study is pivotal to the whole series, because the terminology used will be employed by the Bible writers to subsequently explain an outline of church history—stretching to the present and near future situation of God’s people. As we study, we will see that the tapestry woven by the prophets combines the experiences of both God’s professed and true followers.

Let’s begin our study of the purposes of God’s church through the descriptions of name, refuge, fruit, and children:

1 What purpose of God’s church is outlined in the following verses? Deuteronomy 28:10; 1 Kings 9:3; II Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 14:9; 15:16.

Review and Discuss:

“… all peoples … shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord.”

“I have heard the prayer … consecrated this temple … putting my name there forever.”

“My people who are called by my name.”

“… we are called by your name.”

Apply It:

The above verses are illustrations of God’s purpose to give identity to the church. Whose name was to be associated with the church?

2 What purpose of God’s church is outlined in the following verses? Isaiah 56:3–8; II Chronicles 6:32, 33; Isaiah 4:6; Esther 8:17; Ruth 1:16.

Review and Discuss:

“Let no foreigner who has bound himself to the Lord say, ‘The Lord will surely exclude me from His people.’ … to them I will give within My temple … a name better than sons … an everlasting name. … And foreigners who bind themselves to the Lord. … I will bring to My holy mountain. … My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. The Lord who gathers the outcasts of Israel declares, I will gather still others to them.” Isaiah 56:3–8.

“… the foreigner who does not belong to your people Israel … when he comes and prays toward this temple; then hear from heaven … so that all the peoples of the earth may know Your name … and may know that this house I have built bears Your Name.” II Chronicles 6:32, 33.

“And there will be a tabernacle … for a place of refuge.” Isaiah 4:6.

“… many of the people of the land [Persians] became Jews.” Esther 8:17.

“… your people shall be my people, And your God, my God.” Ruth 1:16.

Apply It:

These verses are illustrations of God’s purpose to hold His church as a place for refuge for all who, in the midst of a revolted world, might seek asylum in God’s kingdom. Notice also that God’s Name is interwoven with the church’s mission as a refuge!

3 The 3rd related purpose for God’s church is both broad and deep. In describing it, Bible writers frequently resort to two sets of metaphors. The language of the metaphors should be examined very closely, because the Bible develops much information from them. The purpose of God’s church, stated without metaphor is:

To glorify God by producing spiritual returns on God’s investment.

This investment return relationship is described most prominently by two metaphorical descriptions. Identify them in the verses below:

a) Metaphor #1: Trees (or vines) 4 Psalm 1:1–3; Isaiah 5:1–7; Isaiah 27:6; 61:3; Jeremiah 17:7, 8; Mark 11:12–14; Romans 11:16–18.

God invests in _____ (or _____) expecting a yield of _____________

b) Metaphor #2: Marriage Isaiah 54:5, 6; Isaiah 66:7, 8; Jeremiah 3:14; Ezekiel 16:7–14.

God invests in _______expecting a yield of ________

Apply It:

(1) This last metaphor was made most striking by God’s direction to the prophet Hosea to actually live out the metaphor of God’s investment in marriage to the church by his (Hosea’s) marriage to Gomer. See Hosea, chapters 1:2, 3 and 3:1–5.

(2) Compare the living parable recorded there with what was written a few years later in Jeremiah 3:1–4, 7, 8, 14, and 20. Ellen White declares that Jeremiah 3 has a special application for those who claim to be modern Israel:

“Please read the third chapter [of Jeremiah]. This chapter is a lesson for modern Israel.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, 1154. [Emphasis supplied.]

(3) As an aid to further study and cross-referencing, note that children are also more generally referred to as descendants, fruit, or seed in other portions of Scriptures. See for example: Genesis 3:15; 17:7, 8; Romans 1:3; Hebrews 11:11; Revelation 12:17.

4 What do the trees or woman in the marriage relationship represent in these parallel metaphors?

a) Trees: Isaiah 61:3; Psalm 1:1–3; Jeremiah 17:7, 8.

Apply It:

(1) To see specific examples of trees as a representation of the nation-church in Christ’s day, study Matthew 3:10 and Mark 11:12–14—and associated Spirit of Prophecy comments in The Fruitless Fig Tree (Sermons and Talks, vol. 2, chapter 45).

(2) By viewing in detail the nature of the illustration of vines (or trees) in the Bible, we can also see that the proper relationship of the branches in the orchard or vineyard to the stock is also used to represent the relationship of Christ to the individual disciple. See John 15:1–5 and Romans 11:16–18 as prime examples. These lessons focus rather on the macroscopic biblical description of the collection of fruit bearing branches, the trees and vineyard, as God’s people—His church.

  1. b) Woman: Ezekiel 16:3, 8; Jeremiah 6:2; Ephesians 5:25–32; Ezekiel 23:1–4.

5 What do the fruit or children represent in these parallel metaphors?

There is more to this question than may immediately come to mind. One might say, for example, that fruit is clearly a representation of character, referring to Paul’s fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22, 23; and this would be correct. Another might say that the term children clearly represents converts to the faith, referencing for example the apostle John’s endearing address, “my little Children” (1 John 2:1); and this would also be correct.

But the symbols of bearing fruit and children (or giving birth) are even more interesting in that each of these symbols, considered alone, are the weaving together of these two products. The spiritual returns that the prophets illustrate as fruit or children can best be defined to be the intertwining products of character and converts.

Review and Discuss:

Fruit as Character: “Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, For they shall eat the fruit of their doings.” Isaiah 3:10. See also Matthew 7:20 and 12:33.

Fruit as Converts: “I will make you … fruitful … make nations of you … I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants.” Genesis 17:6, 7. (Note who Abraham’s descendants are: John 8:39; Galatians 3:7.)

Rebirth as Character: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will … cause you to walk in My statutes.” Ezekiel 36:26, 27. See also related Ellen G. White comments on this verse; The Desire of Ages, 174.

“… unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3.

Children and Seed as Converts: “… when he [Jacob] sees his children, the work of My hands, in his midst, They will hallow My name … and fear the God of Israel. These also who erred in spirit will come to understanding, And … will learn doctrine.” Isaiah 29:22–24.

“The Gentiles shall come. … They gather together. … Your sons shall come from afar, And your daughters are carried on the arm.” Isaiah 60:3, 4.

“… in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 4:15.

“Converts from heathenism to the faith of Israel were often compared to children just born.” The Desire of Ages, 171.

Apply It:

What other Bible examples can you find that describe children and fruit as character and/or converts?

6 In describing the purpose of the church, how does the apostle Paul succinctly cross-link these images of invested marriage and returned fruit bearing, character and converts, together in the following illustrations:

“… you [woman] … be married to [Jesus] … that we should bear fruit to God.” Romans 7:4. [Emphasis supplied.]

“My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you.” Galatians 4:19. [Emphasis supplied.]

Apply It:

Also notice the Spirit of Prophecy describe the intertwining nature of fruit bearing as character and converts:

“… [Christ’s] great purpose” is “growth and fruit bearing … conforming His servants … to the image of Christ … to cause them to bear fruit abundantly … to become true … missionaries.” Testimonies, vol. 8, 186.

7 Can the purpose of Jesus to form His character in His people and to have them bring converts to His kingdom effectively be separated? Luke 8:38–40. Compare Luke 22:32 and Acts 4:20.

Apply It:

The counterexample is also interesting to note. In a general sense, it may be said that an absence of Christ-likeness bankrupts the ability of the church to win converts. The Bible student will find that the church’s growth in character (or lack thereof) is directly correlated with the growth in true converts. See Acts 2–13 for an example of growth in character and converts, and The Great Controversy, chapter 3, as an example of a decline in both.

8 Today, what does the overall health of God’s orchard (or marriage) look like to you? How is this personal to you? How do you view your spiritual health, as a tree in God’s church? Are you bearing fruit through both character and witness? Are you married to Christ? Colossians 1:27–29.

Read the first chapter in The Act of the Apostles, or the introduction to Prophets and Kings: The Vineyard of the Lord, and note how the subject of the purpose for God’s church is addressed. Below are ellipsed quotes from the reading in The Acts of the Apostles, 9-15, highlighting the terminology we have just studied:

Apply It:

“The church is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of men. It was organized for service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world. From the beginning it has been God’s plan that through His church shall be reflected to the world His fullness and His sufficiency. … ‘Mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.’ Isaiah 56:7. ‘And I will raise up for them a plant of renown. … Thus shall they know that I the Lord their God am with them, and that they, even the house of Israel, are My people. …’ Ezekiel 34:26, 29–31. … The church is God’s fortress, His city of refuge, which He holds in a revolted world. … From the beginning, faithful souls have constituted the church on earth. … From age to age, through successive generations, the pure doctrines of heaven have been unfolding within its borders. … It is the theater of His grace, in which He delights to reveal His power to transform hearts. … Wonderful is the work which the Lord designs to accomplish through His church, that His name may be glorified. A picture of this work is given in Ezekiel’s vision of the river of healing: ‘These waters issue out … and by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose … it shall bring forth new fruit.’ Ezekiel 47:8–12. … From the beginning God has wrought through His people to bring blessing to the world. … God chose Israel to reveal His character to men. … Of Israel God declared: ‘I had planted thee a noble vine.’ Jeremiah 2:21.” [Emphasis supplied.]

Studies prepared by John T. Grosboll PE. John T. is a mechanical engineer living near Vancouver, Washington. His secular employment includes several years of experience in primary metals and transportation-related industries. He, along with his wife Teresa, is actively involved in the work of the Historic Message Church in Portland, Oregon. He may be reached at

The Purpose of the Church

It is such a privilege to worship God in truth. There are many Christians now days who tell people that they are worshiping God; however, not in truth but in fallacies. I am so happy that we are united in the truth of Jesus Christ.

What is God trying to accomplish through His church especially in these last days? If you travel to China, you will not find any really organized system of churches. The government’s religious department is their general conference. Many churches are shared by Sabbath keepers and Sunday keepers. As a matter of fact, all of those local churches are governed by their own members and they gather the offerings and use them as they see fit. Tithe money is gathered and then used at the discretion of the local members. It is very interesting that the finances that are gathered from their own pockets for the usage of God’s work is spent in a more proper manner than many of the churches here in the United States.

A large amount of money gathered in this country is usually used to decorate their own churches, to build mega churches, crystal churches with nice pews, furnish better carpets and to pay better money to their pastors. The monies are also used to buy Cadillacs, BMWs and Mercedes for their leaders. But in China, even though there is nonsystematic church organization, God’s money is used more efficiently.

What is the purpose of the church? We gather together in the church on Sabbath because we believe in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we believe in the Biblical Sabbath and we believe in many other Biblical truths. We are united in the truth in our hearts and minds and worship the same God. That qualifies you and me as a church. What is God trying to accomplish through us, especially now days?

We find something very interesting in Ephesians 5:25, 26. It says, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.”

The water and the word are synonyms in this phrase. The Apostle Paul says that the washing of water symbolizes the Word of God. God called us from the world and gathered us as a church of God, in unity of the truth of the Word of God so that He can cleanse us and then we can reflect something. That is why Jesus Christ prayed in John 17:17, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” There is only one way to cleanse us; only one way to prepare our character according to God’s pattern is through the cleansing of His Word.

When we accept Jesus Christ, we accept His truth. Accepting Him into our hearts as our Saviour is accepting His principles, His words. When we compare ourselves, our faults, our philosophies, our understandings and our characters with the Word of God, we find errors and shortcomings. We find our idols, our sins, our selfishness and our pride. We find things that are not in harmony with God’s character. So, what do we do? We forsake those things that we think are not in balance with God and we accept God’s principles and God’s truth. That is how we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, our Master, King and our High Priest. We accept Him as our Lord. He has gathered us as His church so He can cleanse us through His Word.

When I was in high school I went through a ceremony. There was a female high school and about 500 high school girls were sitting on the one side of the big stadium and I was sitting on the other side. There was a big game played out in the ground. All of a sudden I heard some beautiful music and drums and I began to see one huge picture right in front of my eyes. These 500 girls were each holding a piece of a picture— the nose, the eye or the ear, etc., and they all held their pieces up and they all fit together like a big puzzle. All of a sudden they lifted it up and it was one big picture of the president of South Korea at that time. It was fascinating and I was much impressed.

We reflect the image of Jesus Christ individually and yet as a church, there is no one individual who is able to reflect the perfectness of Jesus Christ. When we, as a church, are united in the truth, then certainly as a church we can reflect the image of Jesus Christ perfectly. Sister White has told us that when we receive the latter rain, we are going to go out to proclaim the seventh day Sabbath more fully. Later on she said that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the Latter Rain, we will go out and reflect the image of Jesus Christ fully.

What is the Sabbath? Sabbath is the resting experience. So the rest still remained for the people of God. When Adam was created, the first thing he had done was to participate in God’s rest, rest in God’s creative power. God had just made the world with no imperfection. When God creates new hearts and new minds, we become quickened. No matter what I have done, when I sincerely place my heart on the altar and say, “Lord, I confess all of my nonsense. Forgive me and cleanse my heart with Thy truth. If there is anything in my heart that I am holding with reservations, please help me to understand and show me. I do not want to hold anything back from you. I am thine Lord.” As long as I understand and admit that I am wrong and that I am a sinner and confess my sins in entirety, not holding anything back, God will re-create me in perfectness. I believe that He will wash me with his Truth, His Word and that He can accept me as a perfect person.

The righteousness He is going to give me is going to be a perfect righteousness. I believe that before you and I become truly righteous, God has to plant the seed of righteousness within our hearts, which is the motivation and desire to become righteous. It is the heavenly manna, the bread of life coming from heaven. We cannot create it for it is part of God. That is why it is righteousness by faith. We can only receive it by faith. When Abraham and Sarah believed in God’s promise, a life was produced—Isaac, a living thing, a living thing, the righteousness of God, came out of their dead bodies.

As long as we are in sincere repentance and give ourselves entirely to God, He will re-create our hearts and His creation is perfect. That does not mean that I am perfectly matured yet. As far as maturity is concerned, even after you and I go to heaven we are going to keep on growing throughout eternity. We can be perfect in each stage of our life. When God makes us righteous, we can think righteous and plan righteous; we can treat each other righteously. He washes us with His powerful Word in which He created the worlds. I believe that same Word spoken by God through the Holy Spirit in the Bible has the power of creation. If we truly take it in and eat it and digest it we can glean the power and promises of God. His Word, the truth, can make you and me righteous and perfect.

When I was young I thought that my father did not love me. I was the only begotten son in my family and he did not want to spoil me and he knew how to discipline. Sometimes I thought that my father did not like me. He did not give me big allowance money; just a little. As I began growing up, I realized that he had many other obligations. In my ignorance I began to spread rumors about my old father. Oh, my father is a miser; he is tight with his money and then I began to realize that he was not. He was a good man and he was a merciful man who loved me so much, but I had spread wrong rumors among my friends against my own father. When I grew up my father was still giving me a monthly allowance and I said, “Dad, you don’t have to give it to me. You can give it to my sisters, as they need it more, or you can use it for electrical bills or other things needed.” As I began to grow up, I began to understand my father.

One day I was sleeping in my room and it was kind of cold and I felt chilly so I wanted to pull the comforter over my head and yet I could not. All of a sudden I felt warmth all over my body. I did not know what was going on but I felt so warm. I opened my eyes a little bit and I just realized that someone had pulled the comforter over my head and then was going out. I looked at his back and it was my dad. All of a sudden that morning I realized my father loved me—he did not hate me.

Friends, as we become more mature in the Holy Spirit in our Christian experiences and through hardships, trials and tests, we begin to understand more of the love of God. Then we understand that He allows all of these difficulties and pain and sufferings in our lives so that He can cleanse us so that He can perfect us and present us a glorious church. When we go through the sufferings, pain and tests, we learn to be obedient to God. Our God is merciful. He is a wonderful God. He has been wonderful to me. That does not mean that I have not gone through some valleys of trials and pain. Oh yes, I have gone through those valleys and then I began to realize that God has a tremendous purpose to make us pure and holy, individually, and then He is going to unite us in the truth. Truth is God and God is the truth. So through truth, through doctrines in the Word of God, the Bible, we are united. Then we are to reflect Jesus Christ perfectly as a team.

Ephesians 5:27 tells us “That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” He is going to present His church to Himself first before anything else, holy and without blemish. When God creates us, we are perfect. When we give ourselves to Him in confession of sin, He creates us anew. We have a new life and new thoughts, new motivations and new feelings and emotions. Our moral character is made up of new thoughts and feelings combined (Testimonies, vol. 5, 310). He is going to present us as a glorious church.

What does it mean to be a glorious church? In I Timothy 3:15 it says, “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”

“The church of the living God” contains two things: the pillar and the ground (foundation) of the church. The church must have ground. Without a ground you cannot build a church. And even if you have the ground, without the pillars you cannot hold up. So it must have two things: the ground, which is the foundation and then the pillars, which is the truth. We need to be grounded in the truth and we need to support this church as pillars.

What is the sealing? The definition of sealing in the Spirit of Prophecy is the settling into the truth so that we will not be moved. That is talking about the foundation and the pillars. We are supposed to be grounded. Lay that foundation strong so that we can be set and built on the solid ground of truth and not be moved and become a strong church.

In I Timothy 3:16, God is going to do something with this church. What is it? The Apostle Paul illustrates the purpose of the church through the life of Jesus Christ. This is what it becomes, a glorious church. “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” This is a glorious church. This means this church is going to be ascended and enraptured in glory when Jesus Christ comes and will return to Eden to the stage where Adam and Eve were created in the first place. You and I are going to be a glorious church. We are going to be translated alive. We have a great opportunity to become living saints, alive without tasting death. I have such joy in my heart every time I think of it.

Jesus Christ came in the form of human flesh. He went through the sufferings and conflicts and learned to become perfect, to become obedient. He experienced life the same way that you and I are going to and He overcame the situations and conditions as well. He learned to become obedient, the Son of His Father. Jesus came in the flesh and became righteous in His spirit. As stated in I Timothy 3:16, “He was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit.”

The work of the church is to cooperate with God to become a glorious church. Individually and then in unity we should become a glorious church.

There is a controversial verse which is a conditional verse found between chapters 7 and 8 in the Book of Romans. In Roman 7:25, it says, “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.” In other words, he said that in my mind I serve the law of God but in my flesh I serve the law of sin. I do not know how long you have been a true Christian in the Lord, believing the truth, sealed by the Holy Spirit and living by the truth or living God’s Word by faith. It does not matter how many years we have been sanctified by the truth, we cannot deny the fact that still there are times we feel the promptings of sin, promptings of our past habits, etc. That is not our desire or intention to have these promptings but they just come up.

One quiet morning, not long ago, I was praying at home. Our house is a very quiet place in the country surrounded by many trees. I was praying to God during my studies and all of a sudden an urge or prompting came into my mind. It was some bad memories of someone that just came to me; I did not intend to think about that person but it just all of a sudden came into my mind. I then realized that without giving myself entirely to God every morning and every moment of every day, I am not perfect. Without the Holy Spirit present in my mind all day, I cannot present myself as a righteous offering, a temple of God where the Holy Spirit can reside. We need to understand that in our body we serve sin. This does not mean that we practice or commit sin, but it means that there is a trace of sinful records in our own bodies and in our own brains, yet in our minds we serve God. In our renewed minds and consciences our desire is to serve God. That is why we need to be delivered daily from our own bodies. That is why in Roman 8:1 it says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” If we follow after the flesh then we cannot overcome, but if we follow after the Spirit of God who resides in our hearts then we are able to serve the Lord. Sin is a habit and righteousness is a habit, which is why we need to make righteous habits. We are not talking about righteousness by works, but without the works nobody can be saved.

In I Timothy 3:16 it is talking about the mystery of godliness. God works perfectness and He works His righteousness. God works His mystery of creation through the gospel.

In Isaiah 60:1–4 it says, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side.”

God is going to bring people toward His church if the church becomes the glorious church reflecting the image of Jesus Christ fully and preaching the Sabbath more fully. What does it mean more fully? Sabbath is an experience; it is not just resting on a certain day. We call ourselves Sabbath keepers because Sabbath is not just a day but an experience in God’s creation. Before God translates His church to heaven He will prove a point that His plan of salvation is so powerful it can change wicked human beings into a glorious church. He has to prove a point.

Salvation is turning the clay into a perfect human being reflecting the image of God. Through the plan of salvation God is using His creative work. That is the gospel. The gospel is not only forgiving our past; it is saving us from our current sin so that we are not going to be governed by our own fallen flesh, but we are going to be governed by the Holy Spirit.

Keeping the Sabbath is an experience. God creates His character within us. This begins with our confession and repentance so He can clean us through His Word. I recognize that I have been eating, drinking, dressing, behaving and speaking the wrong way and misrepresenting God. I have been misunderstanding God’s character and His ways so God is going to cleanse me, little by little into perfectness through the cleansing of His word. That is creation! When we stand before God, we, the remnant church, the remnant of the woman who keep God’s commandments, will have the testimony of Jesus Christ. The testimony of Jesus Christ is receiving visions and words directly from God. That is the testimony of Jesus Christ. That is the work of a prophet. The church is a prophet for the world which can only find the truth through the church. Church in a way is a prophet. We must have the testimony of Jesus Christ and we must have a direct relationship with God through the Holy Spirit.

We need to understand what it means to surrender. Sometimes we are so disappointed and in despair because we can’t do it. That is why we need to be cleansed by the Word of God. We need to learn the gospel as creation and we must be willing to receive the righteousness from Jesus Christ. We must humble ourselves and admit that we are but clay and that there is nothing we can do as far as righteousness is concerned. We need to submit ourselves to God as clay in the potter’s hand so that He can mold us anew.

One day Michelangelo brought in one big rock into his workroom and began to chip away at it. After two or three months his servants went into his workroom and they were astonished by beholding a beautiful statue of Moses. They said to Michelangelo, “Master, this is so beautiful, so brilliant. How did you do it? It was just a chunk of rock and now you have transformed it into this beautiful statue of Moses.” Michelangelo said, “All that I have done is to chip away the parts that did not belong to Moses.”

God is at work in your life and in mine chipping away through the knife of the gospel, through the knife of the Word of God. The two-edged sword pierces our thoughts and mind, cutting away those things that do not belong to the image of Jesus Christ. We need to cooperate with Jesus Christ every day.

I want Jesus to come soon so the sufferings, pains and trials in this world will cease. We need to become a glorious church of God so He can present us before the universe. Let us arise and shine because the glory of God has rested upon us. It is not something we have prepared by our own efforts, but God’s glory rested upon us. That is creation! Then we will be able to shine in the world; even our children are going to come to us.

Many children are turned off by their parents’ rigid religion, stubbornness, and legalistic mindset. God deals with us with such a freedom and liberty. He never forces anyone into heaven. How many are trying to force their children into heaven, into righteous behavior. It should be the work of righteousness. God’s gospel is very simple; it is creation. We need to pray for our children so that we can, in cooperation with God, create a spiritual environment without forcing them, but by wooing them like the Holy Spirit woos us every day. God’s glories are to rest upon us and we will become a glorious church and will shine to the world. That is the purpose of the church.

Colossians 1:26–28 says, “Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.”

This mystery of God is being manifested through you and me to the church and the Gentiles will see the glory of God. This is the first angel’s message which says to, “Fear God and give glory to Him” [Revelation 14:7]. “Christ in you, the hope of glory” [Colossians 1:27], that creative power in us is our hope.

Pray to the Lord to re-create your heart. God is a wonderful God. Tell the Lord that you open your heart to Him and ask Him to come into your heart with His Spirit to help you. He will give you new thoughts, new emotions, new feelings and a willingness to follow His will. He is going to make us a glorious church.

Pastor David Kang is Director of Light for Life Ministry operating out of Hartwell, Georgia. His sermons are broadcast weekly on New York and Virginia Korean television stations. Pastor Kang also frequently travels to Asia where he trains pastors who often work “underground.” Pastor Kang may be contacted at:

A Time for Every Purpose

The wisdom of King Solomon is given in the Bible:

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

The seasons of my life have varied tremendously, but I never really questioned the purpose. From an early age, I pursued a variety of activities, and my husband Jän and I have shared many interests. We have enjoyed music, camping, backpacking, riding our motorcycles and bicycles, relaxing on our boat, traveling, and have welcomed every opportunity to learn about and experience new things. But challenges have occurred throughout time that have altered these interests.

In late 1985, I began to occasionally stumble, and once in a while I would fall. I tried to ignore the situations, until the day I lost sight in my right eye. Visits to an optometrist and an ophthalmologist identified optic neuritis, inflammation of the optic nerve. Experiencing vision loss and learning the cause led to appointments with my general practice physician and a neurologist specialist. A spinal tap and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) test confirmed that I had Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

MS affects each person differently. The symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary from person to person depending on which parts of the brain or spinal cord (central nervous system) are damaged. Demyelination, the loss of the myelin sheathes or covering of the nerves, and the scarring caused by MS can affect any part of the central nervous system.

MS symptoms may come and go or become more or less severe from day to day or, in rare cases, from hour to hour. Consequently, the doctors could not predict what I might expect, but within 12 months my sight had returned and the physical issues had dissipated. Regular activities again filled each day until the MS symptoms struck back with a vengeance in 1996.

Strength and agility weakened until I could no longer handle my work requirements. I had been manager of travel and meeting planning for a Fortune 500 mining company. (The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 United States corporations as ranked by their gross revenue.) I had written numerous manuals, introduced cost-saving travel practices, and had traveled to all of the company’s mines and offices throughout the United States and in other countries, giving training seminars and maintaining budgets. But after 20 years of service, in 1999 I was granted permanent disability because of the physical challenges of MS.

Purpose #1: One month after leaving work on permanent disability, the company suffered a hostile takeover by another mining company. I would have been unemployed without compensation. Without work, time was given to me to participate in church activities. Having been raised in Seventh-day Adventist families, Jän and I had built upon the foundation of our early training and, in 1991, had opened the Renaissance Church near Sedalia, Colorado. More time could now be given to its activities and to assist Jän with his work, at that time, as managing editor for LandMarks.

At this time, the neurologist explained that I was experiencing Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS). SPMS is characterized by a steady progression of clinical neurological damage with or without superimposed relapses and minor remissions and plateaus. People who develop SPMS will have previously experienced a period of Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) which occurred for me in 1985–1986. Over the months, I began to depend on a wheelchair as walking and standing became more difficult.

Everything changed June 27, 2008.

It was a very hot summer afternoon. Completing errands in Castle Rock, Colorado, before the Sabbath hours, we had stopped for Jän to make copies needed for the church. As he parked in front of the UPS store, saying he would be only five minutes, I asked him to open one of the side doors of our van for fresh air, rather than leaving the van’s engine running to provide cooling from the air conditioner. I was sitting in my wheelchair that was secured to the lift, facing the two side doors. He opened one of the doors, exposing my left arm and about one-fourth of the left side of the wheelchair and my body. That is all I remember.

Jän returned to the van within five minutes wondering why people were standing around it, but when he made his way through the crowd, he saw me lying on the ground in a pool of blood with more blood gushing from my eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Only the one door of the van was open; the wheelchair was securely in place; our black Labrador was still lying peacefully beside it.

A lady who had seen me fall from the van had stopped her car immediately and called 911. Within moments an ambulance arrived and rushed me to Sky Ridge Medical Center Emergency Room in Lone Tree, a suburb of Denver, Colorado.

When Jän arrived at the ER, CAT scans (computerized axial tomography frequently used to evaluate the brain, neck, and spine) and x-rays had already been taken, revealing that the right side of my skull had been crushed and the artery just above the right ear was severed, hence the continual bleeding. Several bones on the right side of my face were also fractured. A doctor approached Jän and told him that I had only two hours to live. He explained that three options were available: (1) do nothing, (2) insert tubes into the skull to drain the fluid and relieve the building pressure, (3) surgery. Jän asked him to do what he could to save my life. The doctor was the head neurological surgeon for the hospital. Only God could have placed him at the hospital, late in the afternoon (4:00 p.m.), before a holiday weekend.

Following Jän’s request, the doctor, using his cell phone, began calling the doctors and nurses needed for the procedure. Jän heard the doctor’s words, stating such things as, “I know you are leaving on vacation … ,” “I know you are not on call … ,” “I know it is a holiday weekend … ,” to “I need you here immediately.” Soon he had a seven-doctor neurological surgical team and needed assistants in place.

Surgery began in less than the predicted two hours of life I had remaining. Seven bone fragments, embedded in the right side of my brain, had to be carefully removed. The severed artery was a challenge. It was so torn that the doctor had difficulty piecing it together. During the six-hour craniotomy, my heart stopped twice, and six units of blood and four units of plasma were given to help retain life.

When I was taken to recovery, the doctor told Jän that I had a fifty-fifty chance to survive the procedure but would either be a vegetable or need to live in a nursing home the rest of my life. When Jän next saw me, my head was secured in a Styrofoam base and strapped down so it could not move; my body, legs and arms were also strapped to the bed so nothing could move, and I was in an induced coma. He has told me that in addition to my immobility, 25 different tubes were in my body for different purposes, controlling every function of my body.

In the Intensive Care Unit, I remained in the coma. A nurse sat outside my room continually, monitoring me. The medical staff routinely reduced the medication that induced the coma, but my autonomic nervous system would not begin to function. My Living Will states that I am to receive no extra medical assistance after seven days. I know now that many prayers were ascending for me during these days. The afternoon of the sixth day, when the medication was reduced, my autonomic nervous system responded; I began breathing on my own.

Purpose #2: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest … be in health.” III John 1:2.

Twenty days later it was necessary to transfer me from the hospital to a rehabilitation center. Jän was able to have me admitted to the Castle Rock Care Center (CRCC) in Castle Rock, Colorado, just 13 miles from our home.

I remember nothing of the hospital days, and the first days at CRCC are a blur. My vision was not clear; I could not focus to read. I could not speak, and as the words eventually formed, they were jumbled and made no sense. My thoughts were scrambled. My body was very weak—especially my legs—after no movement during those hospital days.

Physical and occupational therapy began immediately. Slowly, physical strength improved, my brain began to heal and memory gradually returned. In addition to the physical therapy and occupational therapy, I regularly met with a speech therapist who focused on my speech and language skills.

Each day at CRCC brought improvement and opportunities in many ways. By mid October 2008, I was dismissed to return home! During my last session in therapy, the physical and occupational therapists read to me what they had written in their notes the first time I met them. They each had written that I would never leave the facility!

Purpose #3: “I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord.” Jeremiah 30:17. God performed a miracle. He had work for me.

During the months of my recovery, Jän faithfully was by my side. While I was in the hospital, friends from our church and from the community would sit by me while he took some time to eat or rest. He also spent time with me each day at the Care Center, usually sharing a meal during his visit and becoming acquainted with other residents. I enjoyed visits from many friends while I was at CRCC—they came from many parts of the United States and from Ghana.

As my thoughts became clearer and I learned about my accident and the miracle of life, I began to pray, “Father, I don’t know why I’m here, but thank-you. Show me what to do.” He has provided numerous opportunities.

Purpose #4: I conduct knitting circles twice a month at CRCC. It provides time to chat with the group and share the joys God has given each of us. Jän and I also spend many Sabbath afternoons visiting residents at CRCC. The director of activities recently asked Jän to present a Bible study twice a month! He is using the Steps to Life studies prepared by Marshall Grosboll. I assist the attending residents and help read the Bible texts. We have provided large print Bibles for each attendee to use if they are able. The residents attending frequently express their appreciation of the studies.

Purpose #5: We have also accepted volunteer positions to assist the Denver Philharmonic Orchestra. Several of its members have played at the Renaissance Church, and others are asking when they may play their instruments there. We are continually given the opportunity to answer questions about the church and to share from the Bible what we believe.

Physical challenges have turned the activities I enjoyed previously into memories. The backpacks and camping gear are stored in the closet. The motorcycles and bicycles are dusty in the garage. Travel is difficult. But God has directed me to activities with Jän where we may share Him and experience His purpose for us.

“Every action of ours in befriending God’s people will be rewarded as done unto Himself.” Maranatha, 317.

Anna Schultz is again an integral part of the Landmarks team. She may be contacted by email at: