Food for Life – Vegetarianism

This quotation caught my eye the other day: “Until God changes what a person is, don’t try to change what he does!” Until we have a heart change, we cannot expect to change a lifestyle of wrong eating habits. Once we determine to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, we will not have any regrets in accepting the health reform message He has given to His people in the “end time,” to prepare them for His second coming.

The Lord is not arbitrary. There are reasons for each of His health principles. For example, in these last days vegetarianism is important because of the many diseases found in animals today, that were not present in the time of Christ.

The Spirit of Prophecy states very explicitly that we cannot make “gods of our bellies” and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So we do have a work to do for ourselves. But not without help! That was why Christ endured the wilderness experience, to show us that He will be very near to each one of us in our most trying experiences.

“Our Savior fasted nearly six weeks that He might gain for man the victory upon the point of appetite. How can professed Christians with enlightened consciences, and with Christ before them as their pattern, yield to the indulgence of those appetites which have an enervating influence upon the mind and body? . . . Many who profess godliness do not inquire into the reason of Christ’s long period of fasting and suffering in the wilderness. His anguish was not so much from the pangs of hunger as from His sense of the fearful result of the indulgence of appetite and passion upon the race. He knew that appetite would be man’s idol and would lead him to forget God and would stand directly in the way of salvation.” Confrontation, 50, 51.

“Those who make determined efforts in the name of the Conqueror to overcome every unnatural craving of appetite will not die in the conflict. In their efforts to control appetite they are placing themselves in right relation to life, so that they may enjoy health and the favor of God and have a right hold on the immortal life.” Ibid., 79.

“Let him who is struggling against the power of appetite look to the Savior in the wilderness of temptation. See Him in His agony upon the cross as He exclaimed, ‘I thirst.’ He has endured all that it is possible for us to bear. His victory is ours.” Desire of Ages, 97.

February Recipe:

Pasta Salad

1 8 oz. package of Vegetable Pasta

Cook according to your package directions

1 4 oz. Can sliced Olives

1 Large Cucumber (or non-vinegar pickle) diced small

½ cup Tofu Mayonnaise

1 ¾ tsp. Sea Salt

Tofu Mayonnaise

16 oz. pkg. tofu

1/3 cup of lemon juice

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 Tablespoon onion powder

1 Tablespoon ground dill (optional)

1/4 cup pineapple concentrate

1 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 cup Fruit Source (granulated)

1/2 cup cashew pieces

4 oz. can chopped olives

Place first eight ingredients in blender on high speed and blend until smooth.Then add cashews and continue blending until very smooth. Pour into container and add the chopped olives and stir well. For use as sour cream on baked potatoes, omit olives and use chives. This also makes a delicious dip for chips (the baked variety with no oil, or Frito-Lay makes delicious Tostitos with nothing but corn and salt.)

The End

Life and Health – Three Delicious Recipes for Health and Stregnth

In the last few years we have heard a great deal about Candida Albicans (yeast infection), due to a defective immune system. These defense mechanisms are broken down when you take antibiotics, specifically, penicillin, preparing the way for Candida. This can indeed become serious and if left to invade the system, one may have it for life. Diet is of utmost importance, and one of the items that must be eliminated is yeast. Bread, being the “staff of life”, is a very important item in millions of households. So, it seems essential that we substitute unleavened bread in a variety of ways to take care of this need.


“When hot, or new, raised bread of any kind is difficult of digestion. It should never appear on the table. This rule does not, however, apply to unleavened bread. Fresh rolls made of wheaten meal, without yeast or leaven, and baked in a well-heated oven, are both wholesome and palatable.” “Counsels on Diets and Foods, 316, 317. Also beneficial is the thorough mastication process required which is a considerable drawback in eating porridges and soups.


How many of us really realize what we owe to our Heavenly Father, who has created us and redeemed us by His precious blood on Calvary, for the perfect “blueprint”, enabling us to have health and strength to work for Him, using our varied talents in His service.


“The transgression of physical law is the transgression of God’s law. Our creator is Jesus Christ. He is the author of our being. He has created the human structure. He is the author of physical laws, as He is the author of the moral law. And the human being, who is careless and reckless of the habits and practices that concern his physical life and health, sins against God. Many who profess to love Jesus Christ do not show proper reverence and respect for Him who gave His life to save them from eternal death. He is not reverenced, or respected, or recognized. This is shown by the injury done to their bodies in violation of the laws of their being.” Manuscript 49, 1897.


“If we close our eyes to the light for fear we shall see our wrongs, which we are unwilling to forsake, our sins are not lessened, but increased. If light is turned from in one case, it will be disregarded in another. It is just as much sin to violate the laws of our being as to break one of the Ten Commandments, for we cannot do either without breaking God’s Law. We cannot love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength while we are loving our appetites, our tastes, a great deal better than we love the Lord. We are daily lessening our strength to glorify God, when he requires all our strength, all our mind. By our wrong habits we are lessening our hold on life, and yet professing to be Christ’s followers, preparing for the finishing touch of immortality.” Testimonies, vol. 2, 70, 71.


May God help us to keep the channels open, the delicate nerve endings of the brain, by not beclouding or benumbing them, that the Holy Spirit may do its work in our lives and prepare us for the soon coming of our Saviour!




1-3/4 cups cornmeal


1/4 cup date sugar


1 cup Quick Oats


1 tsp. Sea Salt


1 cup chopped cashews


2 cups Soy or Nut Milk


Mix all ingredients well. Place in a shallow baking dish or silverstone cookie sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes.


Oat Crackers


4 cups Quick Oats (ground in blender)


4 Tablespoons date sugar or granulated Fruit Source


1 tsp. Sea Salt


1 cup finely ground walnuts


Mix all ingredients well. Measure out half of the mixture, and add enough Soy or Nut milk to form a dough, and roll out between wax paper and cut out crackers. Place on non-stick cookie sheet and bake at 300 degrees until done, about 20-30 minutes.


These unleavened recipes have tremendous food value. If Soymilk is used you have the 8 essential amino acids.


Oatmeal Pecan Crisps


2 cups oat flour


3 /4 tsp. Sea Salt

1 cup millet flour


1/2 cup fruit source (dates)


1 cup chopped pecans (walnuts)


2 cups Soy or Nut Milk


Add milk to proper consistency, thick but spreadable, on a non-stick cookie sheet, about one inch thick. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes.