Bible Study – The Plan of Redemption

June 5 – 11, 2022

Key Text

“He [the Father] has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, [even] the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13, 14

Study Help: The Desire of Ages, 19–26


“The Godhead was stirred with pity for the race, and the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit gave Themselves to the working out of the plan of redemption.” The Review and Herald, May 2, 1912



  1. When was the plan for the redemption of fallen man formulated, and by whom? Romans 16:25, 26; Colossians 1:26

Note: “Christ, our Substitute and Surety, did not stand alone in the wondrous undertaking of the ransom of man. In the plan to save a lost world, the counsel was between Them both; the covenant of peace was between the Father and the Son.” The Signs of the Times, December 23, 1897

“The purpose and plan of grace existed from all eternity. Before the foundation of the world it was according to the determinate counsel of God that man should be created and endowed with power to do the divine will. The fall of man, with all its consequences, was not hidden from the Omnipotent. Redemption was not an afterthought, a plan formulated after the fall of Adam, but an eternal purpose, suffered to be wrought out for the blessing, not only of this atom of a world, but for the good of all the worlds that God had created.” Ibid., February 13, 1893

“The Godhead was stirred with pity for the race, and the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit gave Themselves to the working out of the plan of redemption. In order fully to carry out this plan, it was decided that Christ, the only begotten Son of God, should give Himself an offering for sin.” The Review and Herald, May 2, 1912



2.a. What words are used by John to describe Jesus Christ? John 1:1–4

Note: “In speaking of His preexistence, Christ carries the mind back through dateless ages. He assures us that there never was a time when He was not in close fellowship with the eternal God.” The Signs of the Times, August 29, 1900

“The Lord Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, existed from eternity, a distinct person, yet one with the Father. He was the surpassing glory of heaven. He was the commander of the heavenly intelligences, and the adoring homage of the angels was received by Him as His right.” The Review and Herald, April 5, 1906

 ‘In Him was life; and the life was the light of men’ (John 1:4). It is not physical life that is here specified, but immortality, the life which is exclusively the property of God. The Word, who was with God, and who was God, had this life. Physical life is something which each individual receives. It is not eternal or immortal; for God, the Lifegiver, takes it again. Man has no control over his life. But the life of Christ was unborrowed. No one can take this life from Him. … In Him was life, original, unborrowed, underived.” Selected Messages, Book 1, 296

2.b. What titles are given to Christ in the Old Testament? Isaiah 9:6. What part does Jesus have in the eternal Godhead? Colossians 2:9

Note: “Jehovah is the name given to Christ.” The Signs of the Times, May 3, 1899

“[The] doctrine that denies the absolute Godhead of Jesus Christ, denies also the Godhead of the Father.” Ibid., June 27, 1895

“While God’s word speaks of the humanity of Christ when upon this earth, it also speaks decidedly regarding His preexistence. The Word existed as a divine being, even as the eternal Son of God, in union and oneness with His Father. From everlasting He was the Mediator of the covenant, the One in whom all nations of the earth, both Jews and Gentiles, if they accepted Him, were to be blessed. ‘The Word was with God, and the Word was God’ (John 1:1). Before men or angels were created, the Word was with God, and was God.” Lift Him Up, 74



3.a. How is the incarnation of Christ described by the apostles? John 1:14; Philippians 2:5–8; Hebrews 2:14

Note: “In contemplating the incarnation of Christ in humanity, we stand baffled before an unfathomable mystery, that the human mind cannot comprehend. The more we reflect upon it, the more amazing does it appear. How wide is the contrast between the divinity of Christ and the helpless infant in Bethlehem’s manger! How can we span the distance between the mighty God and a helpless child? And yet the Creator of worlds, He in whom was the fullness of the Godhead bodily, was manifest in the helpless babe in the manger. Far higher than any of the angels, equal with the Father in dignity and glory, and yet wearing the garb of humanity! Divinity and humanity were mysteriously combined, and man and God became one. It is in this union that we find the hope of our fallen race. Looking upon Christ in humanity, we look upon God, and see in Him the brightness of His glory, the express image of His person.” The Signs of the Times, July 30, 1896

“The Pattern Man, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God, took upon Himself our nature, and lived nearly thirty years in an obscure Galilean town, hidden away among the hills. All the angel host was at His command, yet He did not claim to be anything great or exalted. He did not attach ‘Professor’ to His name to please Himself. He was a carpenter, working for wages, a servant to those for whom He labored, showing that heaven may be very near us in the common walks of life.” Selected Messages, Book 2, 164

“Christ did not make believe take human nature; He did verily take it. He did in reality possess human nature.” Ibid., Book 1, 247

3.b. What is Christ’s incarnation called? 1 Timothy 3:16

Note: “Although Christ’s divine glory was for a time veiled and eclipsed by His assuming humanity, yet He did not cease to be God when He became man. The human did not take the place of the divine, nor the divine of the human. This is the mystery of godliness. The two expressions ‘human’ and ‘divine’ were, in Christ, closely and inseparably one, and yet they had a distinct individuality. Though Christ humbled Himself to become man, the Godhead was still His own.” The Signs of the Times, May 10, 1899



4.a. Why did the Father and Jesus agree to make a supreme sacrifice for the fallen race? John 3:16, 17; 1 John 4:10; Luke 19:10

Note: “The love of God was to be revealed to the world in the death of His beloved Son, crucified on Calvary for the sins of the world. He was to present to the world the gospel, which was to be the power of God unto salvation. This was not a new truth, but through the traditions of men it had become obscured, and the original truths, by separation from their Author, had lost their meaning to the world.” The Signs of the Times, May 8, 1893

“It was the marvel of all the universe that Christ should humble Himself to save fallen man. That He who had passed from star to star, from world to world, superintending all, by His providence supplying the needs of every order of being in His vast creation—that He should consent to leave His glory and take upon Himself human nature, was a mystery which the sinless intelligences of other worlds desired to understand.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 69

“Christ came to redeem humanity. He is interested in all our actions. He desires to mold and fashion us after the divine similitude. Not until every case is decided will Christ be at rest. I have been permitted to behold His solicitude, and the great love wherewith He has loved us.” This Day With God, 91

4.b. Besides the redemption of humankind, what else is included in the plan of salvation? Revelation 12:12; Ephesians 3:9–11

Note: “Not only had man come under the power of the deceiver, but the earth itself, the dominion of man, was usurped by the enemy. Through the plan of salvation, through the sacrifice of Christ, not only man, but his dominion, was to be redeemed. Because of the merits of Christ, all that man lost through sin was to be restored. The time would come when there should be no more curse, but the throne of God should be in the earth renewed, and His servants should serve Him.” The Bible Echo, July 15, 1893

“The great plan of redemption results in fully bringing back the world into God’s favor. All that was lost by sin is restored. Not only man but the earth is redeemed, to be the eternal abode of the obedient.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 342



5.a. What words of the prophet are to be fulfilled when sin and sinners will be no more? Isaiah 53:11, first part; John 17:24

Note: “The despised remnant are clothed in glorious apparel, nevermore to be defiled by the corruptions of the world. Their names are retained in the Lamb’s book of life, enrolled among the faithful of all ages. They have resisted the wiles of the deceiver; they have not been turned from their loyalty by the dragon’s roar. Now they are eternally secure from the tempter’s devices. Their sins are transferred to the originator of sin. And the remnant are not only pardoned and accepted, but honored. ‘A fair miter’ is set upon their heads. They are to be as kings and priests unto God.” Testimonies, Vol. 5, 475

5.b. Besides meeting and recognizing each other, what will bring great joy to the redeemed? 1 Corinthians 13:12; Matthew 5:8; 1 John 3:1, 2

Note: “The pure communion with holy beings, the harmonious social life with the blessed angels and with the faithful ones of all ages who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb … help to constitute the happiness of the redeemed.” The Great Controversy, 677

“As Jesus arose from the dead, so those who sleep in Him are to rise again. We shall know our friends, even as the disciples knew Jesus. They may have been deformed, diseased, or disfigured, in this mortal life, and they rise in perfect health and symmetry; yet in the glorified body their identity will be perfectly preserved. Then shall we know even as also we are known.” The Desire of Ages, 804



1    What reveals the amazing forethought of our loving Creator?

2    Why is the incarnation of Christ such a mystery?

3    How far-reaching is the plan of salvation?

4    To what glorious reunion can the redeemed look forward?

Copyright 2000, Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia 24019-5048, U.S.A.

Bible Study Guides – The Gospel

“The Power of God Unto Salvation”

Memory Verse: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16.

Study Help: The Desire of Ages, 407.

Thought to Remember: “The gospel of Christ…is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Ibid.
Introduction “God is an overflowing fountain of efficiency and strength. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes. When this power is utilized, it will be found to be more than sufficient to meet the power of the enemy.” Signs of the Times, November 28, 1906.

“Your Iniquities Have Separated Between You and Your God”

  • What is the problem from which all mankind needs salvation? Romans 3:23.

note: See The Great Controversy, 533.

  • What good news has God given to all mankind? Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10.

note: “The work of the disciples was to spread a knowledge of the gospel. To them was committed the work of proclaiming to all the world the good news that Christ brought to men. That work they accomplished for the people of their time. To every nation under heaven the gospel was carried in a single generation. The giving of the gospel to the world is the work that God has committed to those who bear His name. For earth’s sin and misery the gospel is the only antidote. To make known to all mankind the message of the grace of God is the first work of those who know its healing power.” Ministry of Healing, 141. “The truth for this time embraces the whole gospel. Rightly presented, it will work in man the very changes that will make evident the power of God’s grace upon the heart. It will do a complete work and develop a complete man.” Counsels on Health, 516.
“Him That is of Power to Stablish You According to My Gospel”

  • What is this good news that must be given to all mankind? Romans 1:16.

note: “We have great victories to gain, and a heaven to lose if we do not gain them. The carnal heart must be crucified; for its tendency is to moral corruption, and the end thereof is death. Nothing but the life-giving influences of the gospel can help the soul. Pray that the mighty energies of the Holy Spirit, with all their quickening, recuperative, and transforming power, may fall like an electric shock on the palsy-stricken soul, causing every nerve to thrill with new life, restoring the whole man from his dead, earthly, sensual state to spiritual soundness. You will thus become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust; and in your souls will be reflected the image of Him by whose stripes you are healed.” God’s Amazing Grace, 312.

  • How may we lay hold of this transforming power? Mark 1:15.

note: “As the sinner comes to Christ, helpless, penitent, and humble; as he views the expensive expiation made in his behalf, let the repenting soul lay hold by faith of the provision made to save him, not in his sin, but from his sin. Christ as the Sin-bearer must take away the sin and rescue the sinner from his morbid spiritual condition. As he asks for a change of heart, the answer comes, ‘My son, give Me thine heart.’ ‘A new heart will I give thee.’ I will restore you to a pure, holy atmosphere, that you, being dead to sin, may live unto righteousness.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 6, 157. “Believe the Gospel”

  • For what should the follower of Christ strive? Philippians 1:27.

note: “Grace can thrive only in the heart that is being constantly prepared for the precious seeds of truth. The thorns of sin will grow in any soil; they need no cultivation; but grace must be carefully cultivated. The briers and thorns are always ready to spring up, and the work of purification must advance continually. If the heart is not kept under the control of God, if the Holy Spirit does not work unceasingly to refine and ennoble the character, the old habits will reveal themselves in the life. Men may profess to believe the gospel; but unless they are sanctified by the gospel their profession is of no avail. If they do not gain the victory over sin, then sin is gaining the victory over them. The thorns that have been cut off but not uprooted grow apace, until the soul is overspread with them.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 50, 51.

  • Why is it important not only to hear the gospel but also to believe it? Hebrews 4:1, 2.

note: “I entreat those who claim to believe that Christ is their personal Saviour to practice His teachings. Shall we not, from this time, believe in Christ, and show our faith by obeying His words? Will not those who proclaim the gospel to sinners believe the gospel, and by their obedience to every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, testify to its power? Will not those who preach Christ live the Christ life? God calls upon those who have the light to walk in the light. Then their souls
will be all light in the Lord. True Christians find their happiness in obeying the words of the Saviour.” The Southern Watchman, June 18, 1903.

“The Power of God Unto Salvation”

  • Whose power is revealed by the gospel? Romans 1:16; 16:25; 2 Timothy 1:8.

note: “The more we behold Christ, talk of His merits, and tell of His power, the more fully we shall reflect His image in our own characters and the less we shall submit our minds and affections to the paralyzing influences of the world. The more our minds dwell upon Jesus, the less they will be enveloped in the fog of doubt, and the more easily shall we lay all our trials, all our burdens, upon the Burden Bearer.…Let faith pierce through the hellish shadow of Satan and center in Jesus, our high priest, who hath entered for us within the veil. Whatever clouds overcast the sky, whatever storms surge around the soul, this anchor holds firm, and we may be sure of victory.” In Heavenly Places, 127.

  • What example did David give us? Psalm 21:13; 59:16.

note: “He bore my soul’s disgrace, that in His name I might be an overcomer, and be exalted to His throne. Tell of His power, sing of His matchless love. In every trial He will be near you, and will give grace and power according to your need.” Review and Herald, July 19, 1892.

“Exceeding Abundantly”

  • What is the extent of His mighty power? Ephesians 3:20.

note: See The Desire of Ages, 200.

  • How may we receive the gospel power? John 1:12.

note: “Salvation is secured by a mutual contract. ‘As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God.’ Will you, with all your heart and mind and soul, enter into this contract? Look to your Redeemer in faith and loving trust, for power and wisdom to do the work of character building. He sits as a refiner, to purify the gold and silver from all dross. Then look continually unto Him, and no cheap or worthless material will be brought into the structure of your character building. By faith you may accept the merits of the blood of the Son of God, which He has shed that the sinner might not perish, but have everlasting life. God has laid upon Him all power, that He may impart help to every one who will break with Satan and acknowledge Christ as his only hope. . . . When you are ready to cooperate with Him who can keep you from falling, your resolutions will be of some value. Christ, the chief Healer, will make you whole. He works mightily with every one who is in earnest. He will give strength and victory. All the mean and wicked traits of character can be taken away by the One who has purchased you as His property.”…In Heavenly Places, 19.

“Those Who Obey not the Gospel”

  • How does the Bible picture the fate of those who do not obey the gospel? 11 Thessalonians 1:8. Compare 1 Peter 4:17.

note: “How to exercise faith…is the science of the gospel. The Scripture declares, ‘Without faith it is impossible to please God.’ The knowledge of what the Scripture means when urging upon us the necessity of cultivating faith, is more essential than any other knowledge that can be acquired. We suffer much trouble and grief because of our unbelief, and our ignorance of how to exercise faith. We must break through the clouds of unbelief. We can not have a healthy Christian experience, we can not obey the gospel unto salvation, until the science of faith is better understood, and until more faith is exercised. There can be no perfection of Christian character without that faith that works by love, and purifies the soul.” Review and Herald, October 18, 1898.

  • How does Paul describe the gospel? Ephesians 6:15. Compare Romans 10:15.

note: “The religion of Christ means more than the forgiveness of sin; it means taking away our sins, and filling the vacuum with the graces of the Holy Spirit. It means divine illumination, rejoicing in God. It means a heart emptied of self, and blessed with the abiding presence of Christ. When Christ reigns in the soul, there is purity, freedom from sin. The glory, the fullness, the completeness of the gospel plan is fulfilled in the life. The acceptance of the Saviour brings a glow of perfect peace, perfect love, perfect assurance. The beauty and fragrance of the character of Christ revealed in the life testifies that God has indeed sent His Son into the world to be its Saviour.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 419, 420.

Editorial – The Infallible Guide, Part II

We showed the first part of this series (in the editorial in July 1999), that informed Adventists do not claim verbal inspiration or infallibility in the strictest sense of the word for inspired writings. But at the same time we saw that inspired writings are an infallible guide to salvation and that no one will be able to say, in the day of judgement, that he followed the inspired writings and was lost.

“The Bible presents a perfect standard of character; it is an infallible guide under all circumstances, even to the end of the journey of life.” Signs of the Times, March 21, 1906.

“It was the Spirit of God that inspired the Bible, it is impossible that the teaching of the Spirit should ever be contrary to that of the word.” The Great Controversy, vii.

“Divine power is infallible. Then let us come to God, pleading for the guidance of His Holy Spirit.” Testimonies to Ministers, 485.

As is evident in the above quotations, the reason that the Bible is an infallible guide to heaven is because it was inspired by the Holy Spirit and divine power is infallible. Since the Spirit of Prophecy, as manifested in the writings of Ellen G. White, is also inspired by the same power and person, the Spirit of Prophecy, which is confirmed, is also an infallible guide. No one will be able to claim, in the day of judgement, that they studied and read these books and attempted to follow the counsel therein contained and then lost their soul. The danger is that through neglect that the following will come to pass: “Many are going directly contrary to the light which God has given to His people, because they do not read the books which contain the light and knowledge in cautions, reproofs, and warnings. The cares of the world, the love of fashion, and the lack of religion have turned the attention from the light God has so graciously given.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 681.

The following letter illustrates the vital importance of the Spirit of Prophecy for the remnant living in the last days: “The truths given us after the passing of the time in 1844 are just as certain and unchangeable as when the Lord gave them to us in answer to our urgent prayers. The visions that the Lord has given me are so remarkable that we know that what we have accepted is the truth. This was demonstrated by the Holy Spirit. Light, precious light from God, established the main points of our faith as we hold them today. And these truths are to be kept before the mind. We must arouse from the position of lukewarmness, from being neither cold nor hot. We need increased faith and more earnest trust in God. We must not be satisfied to remain where we are. We must advance step by step, from light to greater light.

“The Lord will certainly do great things for us if we will hunger and thirst after righteousness. We are the purchased property of Jesus Christ. We must not lose our devotion, our consecration. We are in conflict with the errors and delusions that have to be swept away from the minds of those who have not acted upon the light they already have. Bible truth is our only safety. I know and understand that we are to be established in the faith, in the light of the truth given us in our early experience. At that time one error after another pressed in upon us; ministers and doctors brought in new doctrines. We would search the Scriptures with much prayer, and the Holy Spirit would bring the truth to our minds. Sometimes whole nights would be devoted to searching the Scriptures, and earnestly asking God for guidance. Companies of devoted men and women assembled for this purpose. The power of God would come upon me, and I was enabled clearly to define what is truth and what is error.

“As the points of our faith were thus established, our feet were placed upon a solid foundation. We accepted the truth point by point, under the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. I would be taken off in vision, and explanations would be given me. I was given illustrations of heavenly things, and of the sanctuary, so that we were placed where light was shining on us in clear, distinct rays.

“All these truths are immortalized in my writings. The Lord never denies His word. Men may get up scheme after scheme, and the enemy will seek to seduce souls from the truth, but all who believe that the Lord has spoken through Sister White, and has given her a message, will be safe from the many delusions that will come in these last days.” Letter 50, 1906. [Emphasis supplied]

Bible Study Guides – “Peace With God Through Our Lord Jesus Christ”

January 22, 2000 – January 28, 2000

Memory Verse

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:” Romans 5:1.

Study Help: Steps to Christ, 23–35.


“Justification is a full, complete pardon of sin. The moment a sinner accepts Christ by faith, that moment he is pardoned. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to him, and he is no more to doubt God’s forgiving grace. There is nothing in faith that makes it our savior. Faith cannot remove our guilt. Christ is the power of God unto salvation to all them that believe. The justification comes through the merits of Jesus Christ. He has paid the price for the sinner’s redemption. Yet it is only through faith in His blood that Jesus can justify the believer. The sinner can not depend upon his own good works as a means of justification. He must come to the point where he will renounce all his sin, and embrace one degree of light after another, as it shines upon his pathway. He simply grasps by faith the free and ample provision made in the blood of Christ. He believes the promises of God which through Christ are made unto him sanctification and righteousness and redemption.” Signs of the Times, May 19, 1898.

“The Goodness of God”

1 Who made the first move in the salvation of man? Romans 5:8.

note: See In Heavenly Places, 13.

2 Where does the impulse to repent come from? Romans 2:4.

note: “With untold love our God has loved us, and our love awakens toward Him as we comprehend something of the length and breadth and depth and height of this love that passeth knowledge. By the revelation of the attractive loveliness of Christ, by the knowledge of His love expressed to us while we were yet sinners, the stubborn heart is melted and subdued, and the sinner is transformed and becomes a child of heaven. God does not employ compulsory measures; love is the agent which He uses to expel sin from the heart. By it He changes pride into humility, and enmity and unbelief into love and faith.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 76.

“He is Faithful”

3 What precious promise is made to those who confess their sins? 1 John 1:9.

note: See Desire of Ages, 266.

4 If we have sinned against others, what must we also do as well as confessing to God? James 5:16.

note: “If you have given offense to your friend or neighbor, you are to acknowledge your wrong, and it is his duty freely to forgive you. Then you are to seek the forgiveness of God, because the brother you have wounded is the property of God, and in injuring him you have sinned against his Creator. True confession is always of a specific character, and acknowledges particular sins. They may be of such a nature as to be brought before God only; they may be wrongs that should be confessed to individuals who have suffered injury through them; or they may be of a public character, and should then be as publicly confessed. But all confession should be definite and to the point, acknowledging the very sins of which you are guilty.” The Faith I Live By, 128. (See also The Faith I Live By, 34; The Upward Look, 176.)

“He That Covereth His Sins”

5 What example did David set in confessing his sins? Psalm 32:5.

note: “How anxious are you to remove the record of the past, to have your wrong-doings blotted out? What depths of iniquity are open to God’s sight, that are hidden from all mortal view! Every secret thing shall be brought into judgement, whether it be good or evil. Past sins, unrepented of and unforgiven, will be brought up then, only to condemn us, and appoint our portion with the lost. But the promises of God are full of encouragement for us. ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’” Review and Herald, January 13, 1891.

6 What contrast is made between those who confess their sins and those who try to hide them? Proverbs 28:13.

note: “If those who hide and excuse their faults could see how Satan exults over them, how he taunts Christ and holy angels with their course, they would make haste to confess their sins and to put them away. Through defects in the character, Satan works to gain control of the whole mind, and he knows that if these defects are cherished, he will succeed. Therefore he is constantly seeking to deceive the followers of Christ with his fatal sophistry that it is impossible for them to overcome. But Jesus pleads in their behalf His wounded hands, His bruised body; and He declares to all who would follow Him, ‘My grace is sufficient for thee.’ 2 Corinthians 12:9. Let none, then, regard their defects as incurable. God will give faith and grace to overcome them.” The Faith I Live By, 203.

“If I Have Taken Any Thing”

7 What promise is given to those who make restitution for their wrongs? Ezekiel 33:15.

note: “If we have injured others through any unjust business transaction, if we have overreached in trade, or defrauded any man, even though it be within the pale of the law, we should confess our wrong, and make restitution as far as lies in our power. It is right for us to restore not only that which we have taken, but all that it would have accumulated if put to a right and wise use during the time it has been in our possession.” Desire of Ages, 556.

8 What example of true repentance is given by Zacchaeus? Luke 19:1–10.

note: “No sooner did Zacchaeus yield to the influence of the Holy Spirit than he cast aside every practice contrary to integrity. No repentance is genuine that does not work reformation. The righteousness of Christ is not a cloak to cover unconfessed and unforsaken sin. Every converted soul will, like Zacchaeus, signalize the entrance of Christ into his heart by an abandonment of the unrighteous practices that have marked his life. Like the chief publican, he will give proof of his sincerity by making restitution. If we have injured others through any unjust business transaction, we should confess our wrong, and make restitution as far as lies in our power. It is right for us to restore not only that which we have taken, but all that it would have accumulated if put to a right and wise use during the time it has been in our possession.” Conflict and Courage, 302.

“Let the Wicked Forsake His Way”

9. In order to return to the Lord and receive His pardon, what decision must the sinner make? Isaiah 55:7.

note: “There are some who do not readily respond to the invitation to forsake their own way, and come into harmony with God’s way. They prefer to follow a way of their own choosing. Those who wish to do so, have the privilege of continuing to walk in their own unconsecrated way, but the end of that way is sorrow and destruction.” North Pacific Union Gleaner, March 23, 1910. (See also Steps to Christ, 47.)

10 Must we reform ourselves before we can return to God? Isaiah 44:22; Jeremiah 31:3.

note: “Do not listen to the enemy’s suggestion to stay away from Christ until you have made yourself better; until you are good enough to come to God. If you wait until then, you will never come. When Satan points to your filthy garments, repeat the promise of Jesus, ‘Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.’ John 6:37. Tell the enemy that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. Make the prayer of David your own, ‘Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.’ Psalm 51:7. Arise and go to your Father. He will meet you a great way off. If you take even one step toward Him in repentance, He will hasten to enfold you in His arms of infinite love. His ear is open to the cry of the contrite soul. The very first reaching out of the heart after God is known to Him. Never a prayer is offered, however faltering, never a tear is shed, however secret, never a sincere desire after God is cherished, however feeble, but the Spirit of God goes forth to meet it. Even before the prayer is uttered or the yearning of the heart made known, grace from Christ goes forth to meet the grace that
is working upon the human soul.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 206. (See also Review and Herald, April 10, 1900.)

“He Will Abundantly Pardon”

11 What precious promises of pardon does the Lord make? Micah 7:18–19.

note: “Behold Christ. Dwell upon His love and mercy. This will fill the soul with abhorrence for all that is sinful, and will inspire it with an intense desire for the righteousness of Christ. The more clearly we see the Savior, the more clearly shall we discern our defects of character. Confess your sins to Christ, and with true contrition of soul co-operate with Him by putting these sins away. Believe that they are pardoned. The promise is positive, ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ Be assured that the Word of God will not fail. He who has promised is faithful. It is as much your duty to believe that God will fulfil His word, and forgive you, as it is to confess your sins.” Review and Herald, May 21, 1908.

12 What gracious invitation does the Lord make? Ezekiel 18:23, 31–32; Ezekiel 33:10–11.

note: “God does not desire the destruction of any.…Throughout the period of probationary time His Spirit is entreating men to accept the gift of life. It is only those who reject His pleading that will be left to perish. God has declared that sin must be destroyed as an evil ruinous to the universe. Those who cling to sin will perish in its destruction.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 123. (See also Prophets and Kings, 325.)

Bible Study Guides – “He Shall Save His People from Their Sins”

January 1, 2000 – January 7, 2000

General Introduction

Satan’s work is to make the truth of God of none effect. Cast out of heaven because of his transgression, his aim has ever been to defeat God’s purpose for man. He seeks to make it appear that the law is imperfect, unjust, tyrannical. He declares that it is impossible for man to keep the law. And in his own power man cannot keep the law. Without a Savior, he is without hope.

“Christ saw the helpless condition of the race, and He came to redeem them by living the life of obedience the law requires, and by paying in His death the penalty of disobedience. He came to bring us the message and means of deliverance, an assurance of salvation, not through the abrogation of the law, but through obedience made possible by His merits….

“Christ’s death shows God’s great love for man. It is the pledge of our salvation. To remove the cross from the Christian would be like blotting out the sun. The cross brings us near to God, reconciling us to Him. Jehovah looks upon it with the relenting compassion of a Father’s love. He looks upon the suffering His Son endured in order to save the race from eternal death, and He accepts us in the Beloved.

“Without the cross, man could have no connection with the Father. On it hangs our every hope. In view of it the Christian may advance with the steps of a conqueror; for from it streams the light of the Savior’s love. When the sinner reaches the cross, and looks up to the One who died to save him, he may rejoice with fullness of joy; for his sins are pardoned. Kneeling at the cross, he has reached the highest place to which man can attain. The light of the knowledge of the glory of God is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ; and the words of pardon are spoken: Live, O ye guilty sinners live. Your repentance is accepted; for I have found a ransom.

“Through the cross we learn that our Heavenly Father loves us with an infinite and everlasting love, and draws us to Him with more than a mother’s yearning sympathy for a wayward child. Can we wonder that Paul exclaimed, ‘God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ’? It is our privilege also to glory in the cross of Calvary, our privilege to give ourselves wholly to Him who gave Himself for us. Then with the light of love that shines from His face on ours, we shall go forth to reflect it to those in darkness.

Review and Herald, April 29, 1902.

Compiler’s Foreword

The doctrine of the assurance of salvation is of Calvinistic origin and is based on the five points of the Synod of Dort, 1618, which attempted to answer the objections made by Jacob Hermann (Arminius), to the way in which the Dutch Reformed Church had developed the teaching of John Calvin. The five essential points of Calvinism, proposed by the synod and advocated by Reformed churches of the Calvinistic persuasion today, are as follows:

  1. Total depravity. Man can do nothing at all to bring about his salvation, not even to believe.
  2. Unconditional election. The decision that determines man’s salvation is entirely God’s, and not man’s in the slightest degree.
  3. Limited atonement. Jesus died on Calvary only for the elect.
  4. Irresistible grace. God’s grace, when presented to the sinner, cannot be resisted or refused.
  5. Perseverance of the saints. The elect are assured of salvation and can never be lost, no matter what they may do. (“Once saved, always saved.”)

Jacob Hermann, in contrast, had proposed that:

  1. Man is endowed by God with free will. He can choose to respond to, or reject, Christ’s call.
  2. Our election to eternal life is based on God’s foreknowledge as to who would choose to believe.
  3. Because God loves everyone, Christ died for the world and the Father is not willing that any should perish.
  4. Man, through exercise of his free will, may resist God’s grace.
  5. Man may, through exercise of his free will, choose to fall from grace.

When the Calvinists speak of the assurance of salvation, they refer to their belief that those chosen by God to eternal life can never be lost, no matter what sins they may commit. This teaching of the assurance of salvation is commonly described as “once saved, always saved.” Seventh-day Adventists have always held that “once saved, always saved” is unscriptural and a dangerous and misleading error. The term “assurance of salvation” is never found in Scripture. Ellen White employs the term only once in the following quotation: “Christ saw the helpless condition of the race, and He came to redeem them by living the life of obedience the law requires, and by paying in His death the penalty of disobedience. He came to bring us the message and means of deliverance, an assurance of salvation, not through the abrogation of the law, but through obedience made possible by His merits.” Review and Herald, April 29, 1902.

Here we are shown that the assurance of salvation that Christ brings is dependent on the Christian’s obedience to the Law of God, made possible through the merits of Christ.

Memory Verse

“And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21.

Study Help: Steps to Christ, 17–22.


“The Christian must represent Jesus by both being good and doing good. Then there will be a fragrance about the life, a loveliness of character, which will reveal the fact that he is a child of God, an heir of heaven. Brethren, be no longer slothful servants. Every soul must battle against inclination. Christ came not to save men in their sins, but from their sins. He has made it possible for us to possess a holy character; do not, then, be content with defects and deformities. But while we are to seek earnestly for perfection of character, we must remember that sanctification is not the work of a moment, but of a lifetime. Said Paul, ‘I die daily.’ (1 Corinthians 15:31.) Day by day the work of overcoming must go forward. Every day we are to resist temptation, and gain the victory over selfishness in all its forms.” Ye Shall Receive Power, 353.

“All Have Sinned”

1 What is the human problem from which we all need to be saved? Romans 3:23.

note: “The only definition we find in the Bible for sin is that ‘sin is the transgression of the law.’ (1 John 3:4.) The Word of God declares, ‘All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.’ (Romans 3:23.) ‘There is none that doeth good, no, not one.’ (Romans 3:12.) Many are deceived concerning the condition of their hearts. They do not realize that the natural heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. They wrap themselves about with their own righteousness, and are satisfied in reaching their own human standard of character; but how fatally they fail when they do not reach the divine standard, and of themselves they cannot meet the requirements of God.” Selected Messages, Book 1, 320.

2 What is the inevitable consequence of man’s sin? Romans 5:12.

note See The Great Controversy, 532, 533.

“Your Father the Devil”

3 What does sinful behavior reveal? John 8:44.

note: “The enmity to God has struck its roots deep in human hearts. It has become widespread, both in the world and in the professed churches of Christ. The world and the professed people of God are united by the all-pervading principle of aversion to God’s government. Their opposition to the law of God is sufficient to bind them together, to bear together the burden of their accumulated guilt. Any indication of returning to loyalty and obedience to God is denounced as treachery against the confederacy of disloyalty. A wakeful impiety is quickened into an instinctive vigilance, and rouses to demonstration of hatred against the testing truth for this time. Wherever the truth shall be proclaimed, it will be opposed in a decided manner, for men possess the attributes which Jesus charged upon the Jews when He said, ‘Ye are of your father the devil,’ and ‘ye do the deeds of your father.’” Manuscript Releases, vol. 18, 57.

4 How does Paul describe the activities of those who follow their sinful inclinations? Galatians 5:19–21.

note: “The greatest detriment to our churches, that which brings them into weakness and disfavor with God, is unhappy jealousies and differences. ‘Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.’ Then let every soul examine himself, and see if he is approaching the committal of any such sins. ‘This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.’ Unsanctified hearts will be revealed in unsanctified actions.” Review and Herald, June 28, 1887.

5 What does Paul say about the consequences of sinful conduct? Galatians 5:21, last part.

note: “The old nature, born of blood and the will of the flesh, cannot inherit the kingdom of God. The old ways, the hereditary tendencies, the former habits, must be given up; for grace is not inherited. The new birth consists in having new motives, new tastes, new tendencies. Those who are begotten unto a new life by the Holy Spirit, have become partakers of the divine nature, and in all their habits and practices they will give evidence of their relationship to Christ. When men who claim to be Christians retain all their natural defects of character and disposition, in what does their position differ from that of the worldling? They do not appreciate the truth as a sanctifier, a refiner. They have not been born again.” Maranatha, 237.

“But God…”

6 How does Paul describe the situation of those who have not been born again? Ephesians 2:1–3.

note: “By nature we are alienated from God. The Holy Spirit describes our condition in such words as these: ‘Dead in trespasses and sins;’ ‘the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint’; ‘no soundness in it.’ We are held fast in the snare of Satan; ‘taken captive by him at his will.’ Ephesians 2:1; Isaiah 1:5, 6; 2 Timothy 2:26. God desires to heal us, to set us free. But since this requires an entire transformation, a renewing of our whole nature, we must yield ourselves wholly to Him.” The Faith I Live By, 87. (See also Testimonies, vol. 6, 426, 427.)

7 What difference is accomplished in the life by the power of God? Ephesians 2:4–6.

note: “The warfare against self is the greatest battle that was ever fought. The yielding of self, surrendering all to the will of God, requires a struggle; but the soul must submit to God before it can be renewed in holiness. Many realize their helplessness; they are longing for that spiritual life which will bring them into harmony with God, and are striving to obtain it. But in vain.…Let those desponding, struggling ones look up. When sin struggles for the mastery.…look to the Savior. His grace is sufficient to subdue sin. Let your grateful heart, trembling with uncertainty, turn to Him. Lay hold on the hope set before you.…His strength will help your weakness; He will lead you step by step. Place your hand in His, and let Him guide you. He will set free the captive that is held by weakness and misfortune and the chains of sin. He is always near. His loving presence surrounds you. Seek Him as One who desires to be found of you. God’s promise is, ‘Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.’” The Faith I Live By, 87.

“Repent and be Converted”

8 In order to receive forgiveness for the sins he has committed, what must the sinner do? 1 John 1:9.

note: “The conditions of obtaining mercy from God are simple and reasonable. The Lord does not require us to do some grievous thing in order to gain forgiveness. We need not make long and wearisome pilgrimages, or perform painful penances, to commend our souls to the God of heaven or to expiate our transgression. He that ‘confesseth and forsaketh’ his sin ‘shall have mercy.’ Proverbs 28:13.” Acts of the Apostles, 552.

9 How does David describe this experience? Psalm 32:5.

note: “How anxious are you to remove the record of the past, to have your wrong-doings blotted out? What depths of iniquity are open to God’s sight, that are hidden from all mortal view! Every secret thing shall be brought into judgement, whether it be good or evil. Past sins, unrepented of and unforgiven, will be brought up then, only to condemn us, and appoint our portion with the lost. But the promises of God are full of encouragement for us.” Review and Herald, January 13, 1891.

10 What other elements are essential parts of repentance? Ezekiel 33:15; Isaiah 55:7.

note: “Zacchaeus had heard of Jesus.…In this chief of the publicans was awakened a longing for a better life.…He felt that he was a sinner in the sight of God. Yet what he had heard of Jesus kindled hope in his heart. Repentance, reformation of life, was possible, even to him.…Zacchaeus began at once to follow the conviction that had taken hold upon him, and to make restitution to those whom he had wronged.” Conflict and Courage, 301. (See also Patriarchs and Prophets, 203.)

“I Will Receive You”

11 Can a sinner make himself righteous? Jeremiah 13:23.

note: “If you see your sinfulness, do not wait to make yourself better. How many there are who think they are not good enough to come to Christ. Do you expect to become better through your own efforts?…There is help for us only in God. We must not wait for stronger persuasions, for better opportunities, or for holier tempers. We can do nothing for ourselves. We must come to Christ just as we are. Yield yourself to Christ without delay; He alone, by the power of His grace, can redeem you from ruin. He alone can bring your moral and mental powers into a state of health.” The Faith I Live By, 133.

12 What precious promise is given to those who choose to turn their backs on their former lives of sin? 2 Corinthians 6:17.

note: “God has given men faculties and capabilities. God works and cooperates with the gifts He has imparted to man, and man, by being a partaker of the divine nature and doing the work of Christ, may be an overcomer and win eternal life. The Lord does not propose to do the work He has given man powers to do. Man’s part must be done. He must be a laborer together with God, yoking up with Christ, learning His meekness, His lowliness. God is the all-controlling power. He bestows the gifts; man receives them and acts with the power of the grace of Christ as a living agent. ‘Ye are God’s husbandry.’ (1 Corinthians 3:9.) The heart is to be worked, subdued, ploughed, harrowed, seeded, to bring forth its harvest to God in good works. ‘Ye are God’s building.’ You cannot build yourself. There is a Power outside of yourself that must do the building of the church, putting brick upon brick, always cooperating with the faculties and powers given of God to man. The Redeemer must find a home in His building. God works and man works.” Faith and Works, 26.

Bible Study Guides – “He Shall Appear the Second Time without Sin unto Salvation”

April 30 – May 6, 2000

MEMORY VERSE: “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” Hebrews 9:28.

STUDY HELP: Christ’s Object Lessons, pages 155–163.

INTRODUCTION: “We are looking for the Second Coming of Christ. Our hope of His soon appearing in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory fills our hearts with joy. When the Saviour comes, those who are prepared to meet Him will exclaim, ‘Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation’ (Isaiah 25:9.)” Sermons and Talks Vol. 2, 179.

“The End of Your Faith”

1 What is the aim or purpose of the Christian’s life of faith? 1 Peter 1:8, 9.

NOTE: “Only those who practice holiness in this life will see the King in His beauty. Put away all vain, trifling talk, and everything of a frivolous and sensational nature. Do not engross your mind with thoughts of worldly entertainments and pleasures. Engage in the work of saving your soul.…You may use every moment of this God–given life to His name’s glory. Strengthen yourself to resist the powers of darkness, that they shall not obtain a victory over you.” Sermons and Talks Vol. 2, 176. (See also Acts of the Apostles, 387.)

2 When will our salvation be revealed? 1 Peter 1:5.

NOTE: “We must begin in earnest to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. There are many who give no decided evidence that they are true to their baptismal vows. Their zeal is chilled by formality, worldly ambition, pride, and love of self. Occasionally their feelings are stirred, but they do not fall on the Rock, Christ Jesus. They do not come to God with hearts that are broken in repentance and confession. Those who experience the work of true conversion in their hearts, will reveal the fruits of the Spirit in their lives.” Educational Messenger, September 4, 1908.

“Blessed Are They”

3 How does the Lord Himself describe those who will have the right to enter the City of God? Revelation 22:14.

NOTE: “None who have had the light of truth will enter the city of God as commandment–breakers. His law lies at the foundation of His government in earth and in heaven. If they have knowingly trampled upon and despised His law on the earth, they will not be taken to heaven to do the same work there; there is no change of character when Christ comes. The character building is to go on during the hours of probation. Day by day their actions are registered in the books of heaven, and they will, in the great day of God, be rewarded as their works have been. It will then be seen who receives the blessing.” Faith and Works, 43.

4 What heavenly proclamation is made concerning God’s people prior to the Second Coming of Jesus? Revelation 14:12.

NOTE: See The Great Controversy, 435.

“The Hope of Salvation”

5 What preparation should the Christian make to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ? 1 Thessalonians 5:8–9.

NOTE: “…It is the duty of every servant of God to withstand firmly and decidedly these perverters of the faith and by the word of truth fearlessly to expose their errors.” Acts of the Apostles, 387.

6 What counsel did Christ give to one who sought to receive eternal life? Matthew 19:16, 17.

NOTE: See The Desire of Ages, 518, 520.

“The Faith of Jesus”

7 How may we be kept from sin until the time when our salvation shall be revealed? 1 Peter 1:5.

NOTE: See Acts of the Apostles, 530.

8 Does the faith of Jesus free us from obedience to God’s Law? Romans 3:31.

NOTE: “There are two errors against which the children of God—particularly those who have just come to trust in His grace—especially need to guard. The first.…is that of looking to their own works, trusting to anything they can do, to bring themselves into harmony with God. He who is trying to become holy by his own works in keeping the law, is attempting an impossibility.…It is the grace of Christ alone, through faith, that can make us holy. The opposite, and no less dangerous, error is that belief in Christ releases men from keeping the law of God; that since by faith alone we become partakers of the grace of Christ, our works have nothing to do with our redemption. But notice here that obedience is not a mere outward compliance, but the service of love. The law of God is an expression of His very nature; it is an embodiment of the great principle of love, and hence is the foundation of His government in heaven and earth.…Instead of releasing man from obedience, it is faith, and faith only, that makes us partakers of the grace of Christ, which enables us to render obedience. As Jesus was in human nature, so God means His followers to be. In His strength we are to live the life of purity and nobility which the Saviour lived.” The Faith I Live By, 93.

“We Deceive Ourselves”

9 What solemn warning does John give to those who claim to have been saved from their sins? 1 John 1:8.

NOTE: “Those who accept Christ, and in their first confidence say, ‘I am saved,’ are in danger of trusting to themselves. They lose sight of their own weakness and their constant need of divine strength. They are unprepared for Satan’s devices, and under temptation many, like Peter, fall into the very depths of sin. We are admonished, ‘Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall.’ 1 Corinthians 10:12. Our only safety is in constant distrust of self, and dependence on Christ.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 155. (See also Faith and Works, 121.)

10 What counsel is given to those who think that they are in no danger of falling into sin? 1 Corinthians 10:12.

NOTE: “We are never to rest in a satisfied condition, and cease to make advancement, saying, ‘I am saved.’ When this idea is entertained, the motives for watchfulness, for prayer, for earnest endeavor to press onward to higher attainments, cease to exist. No sanctified tongue will be found uttering these words till Christ shall come, and we enter in through the gates into the city of God. Then, with the utmost propriety, we may give glory to God and to the Lamb for eternal deliverance.” Maranatha, 236.

“We Will be Glad and Rejoice”

11 When will the people of God know that their salvation has arrived? Isaiah 25:8, 9.

NOTE: “As we behold Christ we shall be changed into His image and made fit to meet Him at His coming. Now is the time to prepare for the coming of our Lord. Readiness to meet Him cannot be attained in a moment’s time. Preparatory to that solemn scene there must be vigilant waiting combined with earnest work. The union of these two makes us complete in Christ. The active and devotional must be combined as were the human and divine in Christ. So God’s children glorify Him. Amid the busy scenes of life their voices will be heard speaking words of encouragement, hope, and faith. The will and the affections will be consecrated to Christ. Thus they prepare to meet their Lord; and when He comes, they will say, with joy: ‘This is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us.’” In Heavenly Places, 250.

12 As we see the signs of Christ’s soon coming, what should be the reaction of God’s people? Luke 21:28, Romans 13:11.

NOTE: “There is great need that our weakening faith should be quickened, and that we should ever keep before the mind the evidences that our Lord is soon coming, that we may ever be found not only waiting, but watching and working. We are not to be found in idle expectancy; for this leads to carelessness of life, and deficiency of character.” Review and Herald, November 22, 1892.

“This knowledge of the nearness of Christ’s coming should not be allowed to lose its force, and we become careless and inattentive, and fall into slumber—into an insensibility and indifference to realities. In slumber we are in an unreal world, and not sensible of the things which are taking place around us. Dangers very great may threaten, but there is no sign that they are appreciated. This spiritual sleep is to be avoided. The exhortation is given by the apostle, ‘The night is far spent, and the day is at hand. Let us therefore put off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.’” Youth’s Instructor, August 25, 1886.

Bible Study Guides – Salvation

“He Shall Save His People from Their Sins”

Memory Verse “But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved).” Ephesians 2:4, 5.

Study Help: The Acts of the Apostles, 481–483.

Thought to Remember: “Your only hope and salvation is in overcoming as Christ overcame.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 457.

Introduction “Abandon the idea that temporal or spiritual advantages will win for you salvation. God calls for your willing obedience. He asks you to give up your sins. ‘To him that overcometh,’ Christ declares, ‘will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne.’ Revelation 3:21.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 117. “

Sin Bringeth Forth Death”

1 From what do we all need to be saved? Matthew 1:21.

note: “Through every device possible Satan has sought to make of none effect the sacrifice of the Son of God, to render His expiation useless and His mission a failure. He has claimed that the death of Christ made obedience to the law unnecessary and permitted the sinner to come into favor with a holy God without forsaking his sin. He has declared that the Old Testament standard was lowered in the gospel and that men can come to Christ, not to be saved from their sins but in their sins. But when John beheld Jesus he told His mission. He said, ‘Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world’ ( John 1:29). To every repentant soul the message is, ‘Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool’ (Isaiah 1:18).” Faith and Works, 90.

2 Is the Lord’s desire to save sinners limited to a chosen few? 1 Timothy 2:4, 5.

note: See The Great Controversy, 261, 262.

“None Other Name”

3 From whom alone may salvation be gained? Acts 4:10–12.

note: “‘Sin is the transgression of the law.’ The sinner must be made to feel that he is a transgressor. Christ dying upon the cross of Calvary is drawing his attention. Why did Christ die? Because it was the only means for man to be saved.…He took upon Himself our sins that He might impute His righteousness to all who believe in Him.…The goodness and the love of God lead the sinner to repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. The awakened sinner…is pointed to the law he has transgressed. It calls to him to repent, yet there is no saving quality in law to pardon the transgression of law, and his case seems hopeless. But the law draws him to Christ. However deep are his sins of transgression, the blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse him from all sin.…” Our High Calling, 141.

4 What was the motive that led Christ to save us? Romans 8:34–39.

note: “The more we contemplate the character of Christ, and the more we experience of His saving power, the more keenly shall we realize our own weakness and imperfection, and the more earnestly shall we look to Him as our strength and our Redeemer. We have no power in ourselves to cleanse the soul temple from its defilement; but as we repent of our sins against God, and seek pardon through the merits of Christ, He will impart that faith which works by love and purifies the heart. By faith in Christ and obedience to the law of God we may be sanctified, and thus obtain a fitness for the society of holy angels and the white-robed redeemed ones in the kingdom of glory.” The Sanctified Life, 83.

“With the Mouth Confession is Made unto Salvation”

5 What acts are necessary on our part for the work of salvation to begin? Romans 10:10; 11 Corinthians 7:10.

note: “The great heart of infinite Love is drawn toward the sinner with boundless compassion. ‘We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.’ Yes, only believe that God is your helper. He wants to restore His moral image in man. As you draw nigh to Him with confession and repentance, He will draw nigh to you with mercy and forgiveness. We owe the Lord everything. He is the author of our salvation. As you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, ‘it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.’” Testimonies, vol. 5, 635.

6 Where does the impulse to repent come from? Romans 2:4. Compare Acts 5:31; 11:18.

note: “While it is true that repentance must precede forgiveness, for it is only the broken and contrite heart that is acceptable to God, yet the sinner cannot bring himself to repentance, or prepare himself to come to Christ. Except the sinner repent, he cannot be forgiven; but the question to be decided is as to whether repentance is the work of the sinner or the gift of Christ. Must the sinner wait until he is filled with remorse for his sin before he can come to Christ? The very first step to Christ is taken through the drawing of the Spirit of God; as man responds to this drawing, he advances toward Christ in order that he may repent.” A New Life, 20.

7 When a sinner has repented, what promise may he claim? 1 John 1:9.

note: “We have no righteousness of our own with which to meet the claims of the law of God. But Christ has made a way of escape for us. He lived on earth amid trials and temptations such as we have to meet. He lived a sinless life. He died for us, and now He offers to take our sins and give us His righteousness. If you give yourself to Him, and accept Him as your Saviour, then, sinful as your life may have been, for His sake you are accounted righteous. Christ’s character stands in place of your character, and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned.” Steps to Christ, 62.

“He was Manifested to Take Away Our Sins”

8 What assurance may the one have who abides in Christ? 1 John 3:5, 6.

note: “More than this [see previous note], Christ changes the heart. He abides in your heart by faith. You are to maintain this connection with Christ by faith and the continual surrender of your will to Him; and so long as you do this, He will work in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure. So you may say, ‘The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.’ Galatians 2:20. So Jesus said to His disciples, ‘It is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.’ Matthew 10:20. Then with Christ working in you, you will manifest the same spirit and do the same good works,—works of righteousness, obedience.” Ibid., 62. See also The Desire of Ages, 123.

9 What symbol are we given to show the contrast between this new life and the old one? Romans 6:1–6.

note: “As you openly renounced sin and Satan, the three great powers of heaven pledged themselves to help you to overcome. You were raised in newness of life by the power that raised Christ from the dead. You came forth from the watery grave pledged to devote your life to the Master’s service. You are henceforth to live a new life, as if reason, knowledge, affection, speech, property, and all else you have, had been anew entrusted to you, with a distinct intimation from heaven that they are to be used for God. You are to live a life of cross-bearing and self-denial, a life bound up with the life of Christ.” Signs of the Times, February 12, 1902.

“Now is Our Salvation Nearer Than When We Believed”

10 What verses look forward to the time when our salvation is complete? Romans 13:11; 1 Thessalonians 5:8; Hebrews 9:28.

note: “We are never to rest in a satisfied condition, and cease to make advancement, saying, ‘I am saved.’ When this idea is entertained, the motives for watchfulness, for prayer, for earnest endeavor to press onward to higher attainments, cease to exist. No sanctified tongue will be found uttering these words till Christ shall come, and we enter in through the gates into the city of God. Then, with the utmost propriety, we may give glory to God and to the Lamb for eternal deliverance.” Maranatha, 236.

11 What assurance do we have of salvation in the judgment? Psalm 76:7–9.

note: “We are now living in the great Day of Atonement. In the typical service, while the high priest was making the atonement for Israel, all were required to afflict their souls by repentance of sin and humiliation before the Lord, lest they be cut off from among the people. In like manner, all who would have their names retained in the book of life should now, in the few remaining days of their probation, afflict their souls before God by sorrow for sin and true repentance. There must be deep, faithful searching of heart. The light, frivolous spirit indulged by so many professed Christians must be put away. There is earnest warfare before all who would subdue the evil tendencies that strive for the mastery. The work of preparation is an individual work. We are not saved in groups. The purity and devotion of one will not offset the want of these qualities in another. Though all nations are to pass in judgment before God, yet He will examine the case of each individual with as close and searching scrutiny as if there were not another being upon the earth. Everyone must be tested and found without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.” The Great Controversy, 489, 490.

“He Will Come and Save You”

12 To what precious promise may God’s people look forward? Isaiah 35:4.

note: “You must experience a death to self, and must live unto God. ‘If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.’ Self is not to be consulted. Pride, self-love, selfishness, avarice, covetousness, love of the world, hatred, suspicion, jealousy, evil surmisings, must all be subdued and sacrificed forever. When Christ shall appear, it will not be to correct these evils and then give a moral fitness for His coming. This preparation must all be made before He comes. It should be a subject of thought, of study, and earnest inquiry, What shall we do to be saved? What shall be our conduct that we may show ourselves approved unto God?” Testimonies, vol. 1, 705.

13 Who are the ones who will be saved when Christ returns? Psalm 50:1–6.

note: “We must be partakers of Christ’s sufferings here, if we would share in His glory hereafter. If we seek our own interest, how we can best please ourselves, instead of seeking to please God and advance His precious, suffering cause, we shall dishonor God and the holy cause we profess to love. We have but a little space of time left in which to work for God. Nothing should be too dear to sacrifice for the salvation of the scattered and torn flock of Jesus. Those who make a covenant with God by sacrifice now, will soon be gathered home to share a rich reward, and possess the new kingdom forever and ever. Oh, let us live wholly for the Lord, and show by a well-ordered life and godly conversation that we have been with Jesus, and are His meek and lowly followers. We must work while the day lasts, for when the dark night of trouble and anguish comes, it will be too late to work for God.” Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White, 104, 105. “I saw that the reason why God did not hear the prayers of His servants for the sick among us more fully was that He could not be glorified in so doing while they were violating the laws of health. And I also saw that He designed the health reform…to prepare the way for the prayer of faith to be fully answered. Faith and good work should go hand in hand in relieving the afflicted among us, and in fitting them to glorify God here and to be saved at the coming of Christ.” Counsels on Health, 247.

Bible Study Guides – “The Truth of the Gospel”

June 2, 2001 – June 8, 2001


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16.

STUDY HELP: Steps to Christ, 57–65.


“The influence of a Gospel hope will not lead the sinner to look upon the salvation of Christ as a matter of free grace, while he continues to live in transgression of the Law of God. When the light of truth dawns upon his mind, and he fully understands the requirements of God, and realizes the extent of his transgressions, he will reform his ways, become loyal to God through the strength obtained from his Saviour, and lead a new and purer life. ‘Whosoever abideth in Him,’ says John, ‘sinneth not; whosoever sinneth hath not seen Him, neither known Him.’” Signs of the Times, February 25, 1897.

“This Gospel . . . Must be Preached”

1 What commission did Christ give His church? Matthew 24:14.

NOTE: “The work of preaching the gospel has not been committed to angels, but has been entrusted to men. Holy angels have been employed in directing this work, they have in charge the great movements for the salvation of men; but the actual proclamation of the gospel is performed by the servants of Christ upon the earth.” The The Great Controversy, 312.

2 How does the Bible define the Gospel? Romans 1:16.

NOTE: “The real end of the gospel is to develop in human beings supreme, sanctified love for God and unselfish love for one another. This love is not a fitful impulse; it is not merely the exercise of benevolence, or philanthropy; it is the fruit of a heart purified from all defilement. The gospel was made known by God to raise human beings from sin to righteousness. He who receives the gospel constantly reaches out for the divine, perseveringly taking hold of the strength of the Saviour. His heart is an abiding place for the Holy Spirit. Day by day He shows forth the praises of Him who has called Him out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Loma Linda Messages, 62.

“Men may profess to believe the gospel; but unless they are sanctified by the gospel their profession is of no avail. If they do not gain the victory over sin, then sin is gaining the victory over them. The thorns that have been cut off but not uprooted grow apace, until the soul is overspread with them.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 50, 51.

“And Would Pervert the Gospel of Christ”

3 Against what false gospel did the church have to battle? Acts 15:1, 5. Compare Galatians 1:6–8, 2:16; II Corinthians 11:4.

NOTE: “Paul’s object was to preach the righteousness that comes by faith in Jesus Christ. He took the position that every soul must have a genuine experience in this righteousness. The burning zeal in the heart of Paul compelled him to give the message. He gave assurance of his own faith in the message he bore, and the Holy Spirit accompanied his words with convincing power. . . . Those who engage in the work of God’s cause today will meet just such trials as Paul endured in his work. By the same boastful and deceptive work Satan will seek to draw converts from the faith. Theories will be brought in that will not be wise for us to handle. Satan is a cunning worker, and he will bring in subtle fallacies to darken and confuse the mind and root out the doctrines of salvation. Those who do not accept the Word of God just as it reads, will be snared in his trap. Today we need to speak the truth with holy boldness. The testimony borne to the early church by the Lord’s messenger, His people are to hear in this time: ‘Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed’ (Galatians 1:8).” Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, 356, 357.

4 What contrasting “gospel” was also a problem in the early church? Revelation 2:6, 15.

NOTE: “The doctrine is now largely taught that the gospel of Christ has made the law of God of none effect; that by ‘believing’ we are released from the necessity of being doers of the word. But this is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which Christ so unsparingly condemned.” The Bible Echo, February 8, 1897.

“Those who are teaching this doctrine today have much to say in regard to faith and the righteousness of Christ; but they pervert the truth, and make it serve the cause of error. They declare that we have only to believe on Jesus Christ, and that faith is all-sufficient; that the righteousness of Christ is to be the sinner’s credentials; that this imputed righteousness fulfils the law for us, and that we are under no obligation to obey the law of God. This class claim that Christ came to save sinners, and that He has saved them. ‘I am saved,’ they will repeat over and over again. But are they saved while transgressing the law of Jehovah?—No; for the garments of Christ’s righteousness are not a cloak for iniquity. Such teaching is a gross deception. . . .” Signs of the Times, February 25, 1897.

‘Saved by His life’

5 How did Paul explain the purpose of Christ’s death? Romans 5:10, first part.

NOTE: “Well would it be for us if we could always remember Calvary, where Jesus bore the terrible burden of the sins of the world. In His expiring agony hear Him exclaim, ‘My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?’ and remember that He endured the hiding of His Father’s face that it might not be forever hidden from fallen man. He endured shame, cruel scourging, insult, and mockery, that we might be reconciled to God and rescued from endless death. If our minds dwell upon these themes, our conversation will be in Heaven, from whence we look for our Saviour, and even vain thoughts will seem out of place.” Review and Herald, June 17, 1884.

6 How does salvation come to us? Romans 5:10, last part.

NOTE: “The gospel is the power and wisdom of God, if it is correctly represented by those who claim to be Christians. Christ crucified for our sins should humble every soul before God in his own estimation. Christ risen from the dead, ascended on high, our living Intercessor in the presence of God, is the science of salvation, which we need to learn and teach to children and youth. Said Christ, ‘I sanctify Myself, that they might also be sanctified.’ This is the work that ever devolves upon every teacher.” Counsels on Sabbath School Work, 124.

“How careful is the Lord Jesus to give no occasion for a soul to despair. How He fences about the soul from Satan’s fierce attacks. If through manifold temptations we are surprised or deceived into sin, He does not turn from us, and leave us to perish. No, no, that is not like our Saviour. Christ prays for us. He was tempted in all points like as we are; and having been tempted, He knows how to succor those who are tempted. Our crucified Lord is pleading for us in the presence of His Father at the throne of grace. His atoning sacrifice we may plead for our pardon, our justification, and our sanctification. The Lamb slain is our only hope. Our faith looks upon Him, grasps Him as the one who can save to the uttermost, and the fragrance of the all– sufficient offering is accepted of the Father. Unto Christ is committed all power in heaven and in earth, and all things are possible to him that believeth. Christ’s glory is concerned in our success. He has a common interest with all humanity. He is our sympathizing Saviour.” Review and Herald, September 1, 1891.

“God Forbid”

7 How does Paul express his abhorrence of the teaching that Christians may continue in sin? Romans 6:1, 2.

NOTE: “Christ has paid all that man owes to God from the beginning of his life. Sin is the transgression of the law, and through Christ man must now render perfect obedience to that law. By His righteousness of active obedience, Christ clothes me with His righteousness, in order that I shall not continue in sin, but perfect a character after the similitude of Christ.” The Home Missionary, November 1, 1897.

8 What will be the evidence of the work of salvation in the Christian’s life? I John 3:5, 6.

NOTE: “The part man has to act in the salvation of the soul is to believe on Jesus Christ as a perfect Redeemer, not for some other man, but for his own self. Christ imputes His perfection and righteousness to the believing sinner when he does not continue in sin, but turns from transgression to obedience of the commandments. While God can be just, and yet justify the sinner through the merits of Christ, no man can cover his soul with the garments of Christ’s righteousness while practicing known sins, or neglecting known duties.” The Faith I Live By, 115.

“A Nation Bringing Forth the Fruits”

9 Why did God reject the Jewish people? Matthew 21:43. (Read verses 33–41.)

NOTE: “God in His Son had been seeking fruit, and had found none. Israel was a cumberer of the ground. Its very existence was a curse; for it filled the place in the vineyard that a fruitful tree might fill. It robbed the world of the blessings that God designed to give. The Israelites had misrepresented God among the nations. They were not merely useless, but a decided hindrance. To a great degree their religion was misleading, and wrought ruin instead of salvation.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 215.

10 What fruit will the Spirit bring forth in the lives of those who obey the Gospel? Galatians 5:22, 23. Compare John 15:1–8.

NOTE: “There can be no growth or fruitfulness in the life that is centered in self. If you have accepted Christ as a personal Saviour, you are to forget yourself, and try to help others. Talk of the love of Christ, tell of His goodness. Do every duty that presents itself. Carry the burden of souls upon your heart, and by every means in your power seek to save the lost. As you receive the Spirit of Christ—the Spirit of unselfish love and labor for others—you will grow and bring forth fruit. The graces of the Spirit will ripen in your character. Your faith will increase, your convictions deepen, your love be made perfect. More and more you will reflect the likeness of Christ in all that is pure, noble, and lovely. ‘The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.’ Galatians 5:22, 23. This fruit can never perish, but will produce after its kind a harvest unto eternal life.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 68.

“Every Creature Under Heaven”

11 How successful was the early church in preaching the Gospel? Colossians 1:23. Compare Acts 8:4.

NOTE: “‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.’ Again and again the words are repeated, that they may not lose their significance. Upon all creatures under heaven, high and low, rich and poor, was the light of heaven to shine in clear, strong rays. The disciples were to be colaborers with Him, their Redeemer, in the work of saving the world. Christ assured them, ‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.’ They were to go forth in His name, and He promised them the ministry of His Spirit. He did not lay before them a plain and easy path. They were to be partakers of His sufferings. But He told them of the legacy they would receive. If they united with one another and with Him, His righteousness would shine upon them, and from them to a world constantly increasing in wickedness.” Review and Herald, March 15, 1898.

12 How is this successful work pictured in prophecy? Revelation 6:2.

NOTE: “And what rich assurances are given to the steadfast,—to those who remain true to their allegiance to the God of heaven! ‘If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled,’ the promise reads, ‘and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven,’ the Redeemer will ‘present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable’ in the presence of His Father in the kingdom of glory. Wonderful, wonderful assurance! How cheering, indeed, is the hope of the Christian! Naught in this world can compare with the reward set before those who will ‘be not moved away from the hope of the gospel.’” Review and Herald, October 4, 1906.

Editorial – The Temporary Opportunity

The opportunities that we have as we travel once through our earthly life are very fleeting. Soon the opportunities, that we have today, will be gone forever. Soon many souls, that we can save today, will be so hardened in sin that it will be impossible to save them. In Ellen White’s day she plainly told us that we had already missed the easier time to warn the cities in the United States. But as difficult as it is now, soon it will be even more difficult to win the lost, because they are becoming more and more hardened in sin. We must snatch everyone out of the fire that we can. Remember, one soul is worth more than a whole world of material possessions. One soul saved by your instrumentality will bring glory to our Commander and be a friend of yours for eternity. You and I cannot really comprehend that, but we need to think about it.

“When we shall stand around the great white throne, what a record will the lives of many then present. Then will they see what they might have done had they not debased their God-given powers. Then will they realize what height of intellectual greatness they might have attained had they given to God all the physical and mental strength He had entrusted to them. In their agony of remorse they will long to have their lives to live over again.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 135.

“We are nearing the close of this earth’s history; soon we shall stand before the great white throne. Your opportunities for work will soon be past. Therefore work while it is called today. With the help of God, every true believer can see where there is work to be done. When the human will co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent, and the worker can make opportunities. Watch for the souls with whom you come in contact. Watch for opportunities to speak a word in season to them. Do not wait for an introduction, or until you become acquainted with them, before you seek to save the perishing souls around you.” Youth’s Instructor, June 24, 1897.

“Oh that Christ’s followers might realize that it is not houses and lands, bank-stock or wheat-fields, or even life itself, that is now at stake; but souls for whom Christ died! We should ever remember that the men and women whom we daily meet are Judgment-bound. They will stand before the great white throne, to testify against us if we are unfaithful to duty, if our example shall lead them away from the truth and from Christ, or to bear witness that our fidelity has encouraged them in the path of righteousness. These souls will either live to offer praise to God and the Lamb through ceaseless ages, or they will perish with the wicked. Christ suffered and died that they might enjoy a blissful eternity. What sacrifices are we willing to make for their salvation?” Review and Herald, January 19, 1886.

“The last great day is right upon us. Let all consider that Satan is now striving for the mastery over souls. He is playing the game of life for your souls. Will there be sins committed by you on the very borders of the heavenly Canaan? Oh what revealings!…The hour of Judgment is almost here,—long delayed by the goodness and mercy of God.…For all the natural weaknesses Jesus has made ample provision, that they may be overcome through His grace. If not overcome, the weakness will become a tyrant, a conqueror, to overcome them, and the heavenly light will become beclouded and extinguished. Ibid., May 24, 1887.

Bible Study Guides – Whom Will God Redeem?

April 21 – 27, 2002

MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Revelation 22:14.

INTRODUCTION: “Of His people God says, ‘They shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon His land. For how great is His goodness, and how great is His beauty!’ Zechariah 9:16, 17. The exaltation of the redeemed will be an eternal testimony to God’s mercy. ‘In the ages to come,’ He will ‘show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.’ ‘To the intent that…unto the principalities and the powers in the heavenly places might be made known…the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ Ephesians 2:7; 3:10, 11, R. V.” The Desire of Ages, 26.

1 In order to be redeemed, what are the essential character accomplishments given in Revelation? Revelation 3:5, 21; 21:7.

NOTE: “The obedience of Christ to His Father was the same obedience that is required of man. Man cannot overcome Satan’s temptations without divine power to combine with his instrumentality. So with Jesus Christ; He could lay hold of divine power. He came not to our world to give the obedience of a lesser God to a greater, but as a man to obey God’s holy law, and in this way He is our example. The Lord Jesus came to our world, not to reveal what a God could do, but what a man could do, through faith in God’s power to help in every emergency. Man is, through faith, to be a partaker in the divine nature, and to overcome every temptation wherewith he is beset.” Ellen G. White Comments, Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 929.

2 What is the process in preparing for eternity? Acts 26:18; John 17:19.

NOTE: “The refining influence of the grace of God changes the natural disposition of man. Heaven would not be desirable to the carnal-minded; their natural, unsanctified hearts would feel no attraction toward that pure and holy place, and if it were possible for them to enter, they would find there nothing congenial. The propensities that control the natural heart must be subdued by the grace of Christ before fallen man is fitted to enter heaven and enjoy the society of the pure, holy angels. When man dies to sin and is quickened to new life in Christ, divine love fills his heart; his understanding is sanctified; he drinks from an inexhaustible fountain of joy and knowledge, and the light of an eternal day shines upon his path, for with him continually is the Light of life.” The Acts of the Apostles, 273.

3 What will the people who are saved have more of than others? Matthew 25:1–13.

NOTE: “As Christ sat looking upon the party that waited for the bridegroom, He told His disciples the story of the ten virgins, by their experience illustrating the experience of the church that shall live just before His Second Coming. The two classes of watchers represent the two classes who profess to be waiting for their Lord. They are called virgins because they profess a pure faith. By the lamps is represented the word of God.…the oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.’” Christ’s Object Lessons, 405, 406, 407.

“In the parable, all the ten virgins went out to meet the bridegroom. All had lamps and vessels for oil. For a time there was seen no difference between them. So with the church that lives just before Christ’s second coming. All have a knowledge of the Scriptures. All have heard the message of Christ’s near approach, and confidently expect His appearing. But as in the parable, so it is now. A time of waiting intervenes, faith is tried; and when the cry is heard, ‘Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him,’ many are unready. They have no oil in their vessels with their lamps. They are destitute of the Holy Spirit.” Ibid., 408.

4 What must we have to be able to see the Lord? Hebrews 12:14.

NOTE: “The Bible contains instruction regarding the character God’s children must possess. ‘Blessed are the pure in heart,’ it declares, ‘for they shall see God.’ Matthew 5:8.” Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 429.

“Study God’s word prayerfully. That Word presents before you, in the Law of God and the life of Christ, the great principles of holiness, without which ‘no man shall see the Lord.’ Hebrews 12:14. It convinces of sin; it plainly reveals the way of salvation. Give heed to it as the voice of God speaking to your soul.” Steps to Christ, 35.

“It is not a conclusive evidence that a man is a Christian because he manifests spiritual ecstasy under extraordinary circumstances. Holiness is not rapture: it is an entire surrender of the will to God; it is living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God; it is doing the will of our heavenly Father; it is trusting God in trial, in darkness as well as in the light; it is walking by faith and not by sight; it is relying on God with unquestioning confidence, and resting in His love.” The Acts of the Apostles, 51.

5 What must happen to us if we are to enter heaven? John 3:3, 5.

NOTE: “When truth becomes an abiding principle in the life, the soul is ‘born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.’ [1 Peter 1:23.] This new birth is the result of receiving Christ as the Word of God. When by the Holy Spirit divine truths are impressed upon the heart, new conceptions are awakened, and the energies hitherto dormant are aroused to co-operate with God.” The Acts of the Apostles, 520.

6 What are requirements for redemption? Revelation 17:14; Romans 8:28; Matthew 20:16. Compare Isaiah 42:6; 1 Peter 2:9.

NOTE: “We are called to be representatives of Christ. We are bought with a price. As the chosen sons and daughters of God, we should be obedient children, acting in accordance with the principles of His character as revealed through His Son.” Medical Ministry, 256.

“In all ages the Lord has had a people who, while holding communion with God, have by word and character called the attention of their fellow men to the grand themes that are of eternal interest to humanity. . . . These men faithfully improved their talents, and God registered them among his profitable servants. They were acknowledged and honored by God because they were faithful to the light which shone upon them. . . . The chosen of God believed His word, rested on His promises; and their steadfast confidence and strong faith made them willing and able to suffer the loss of all things for His dear sake.” Youth’s Instructor, October 7, 1897.

“As men and women cooperate with God in doing the work He has given them, they go forward from strength to greater strength. As they exercise simple faith, believing day by day that God will not fail to establish them in Christ, God says to them as He did to ancient Israel: ‘Thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.’ Deuteronomy 7:6.” Our High Calling, 24.

7 What other characteristic is needed to receive eternal salvation? Hebrews 5:8, 9.

NOTE: “Before the believer is held out the wonderful possibility of being like Christ, obedient to all the principles of the law. But of himself man is utterly unable to reach this condition. The holiness that God’s word declares he must have before he can be saved is the result of the working of divine grace as he bows in submission to the discipline and restraining influences of the Spirit of truth. Man’s obedience can be made perfect only by the incense of Christ’s righteousness, which fills with divine fragrance every act of obedience. The part of the Christian is to persevere in overcoming every fault. Constantly he is to pray to the Saviour to heal the disorders of his sin-sick soul. He has not the wisdom or the strength to overcome; these belong to the Lord, and He bestows them on those who in humiliation and contrition seek Him for help.” The Acts of the Apostles, 532.

8 What kind of a covenant must we make? Psalm 50:3–5.

NOTE: “Even the very poor should bring their offerings to God. They are to be sharers of the grace of Christ by denying self to help those whose need is more pressing than their own. The poor man’s gift, the fruit of self-denial, comes up before God as fragrant incense. And every act of self-sacrifice strengthens the spirit of beneficence in the giver’s heart, allying him more closely to the One who was rich, yet for our sakes became poor, that we through His poverty might be rich.” The Acts of the Apostles, 341.

9 What condition must the church be in when Jesus comes? Ephesians 5:25–27.

NOTE: “As your soul yearns after God, you will find more and still more of the unsearchable riches of His grace. As you contemplate these riches you will come into possession of them and will reveal the merits of the Saviour’s sacrifice, the protection of His righteousness, the fullness of His wisdom, and His power to present you before the Father ‘without spot, and blameless.’ 2 Peter 3:14.” The Acts of the Apostles, 567.

10 How will the saints be clothed, and what does the clothing represent? Revelation 7:14; 19:7, 8.

NOTE: “The fine linen, says the Scripture, . . . is the righteousness of Christ, His own unblemished character, that through faith is imparted to all who receive Him as their personal Saviour. The white robe of innocence was worn by our first parents when they were placed by God in holy Eden. They lived in perfect conformity to the will of God. All the strength of their affections was given to their heavenly Father.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 310.

“This robe, Christ’s own spotless character, is freely offered to every human being. But all who receive it will receive and wear it here.” Education, 249.

11 What qualifications for redemption did Jesus give in the Sermon on the Mount? Matthew 5:3–12.

NOTE: “The Sermon on the Mount is heaven’s benediction to the world, a voice from the throne of God. It was given to mankind to be to them the law of duty and the light of heaven, their hope and consolation in despondency.…Christ leaves us in no doubt as to the traits of character that He will always recognize and bless. . . . He knows that, even though human beings have abused their mercies and destroyed their God-given dignity, yet the Creator is to be glorified in their redemption.” Testimonies, vol. 7, 269.

12 Name qualifications for redemption that are listed in Psalm 15.

NOTE: “Dear Friend: In the last vision given me, I saw that you had faults to correct. It is necessary for you to see these before you will make the required effort to correct them. You have much to learn before you can form a good, Christian character which God can approve.” Testimonies, vol. 2, 307.

“He that taketh up a reproach against his neighbor cannot receive the approval of God.” Ibid., vol. 5, 615.

“Let those who have used the talent of speech to discourage and dishearten God’s servants, who are striving to advance God’s cause, planning and working to master hindrance, ask God to forgive them for the injury they have done to His work by their wicked prejudices and unkind words. Let them think of the harm they have done by spreading false reports, by judging those they have no right to judge.” Ibid., vol. 8, 84.

13 What group of people are promised salvation? Malachi 4:1–3; 3:16, 17.

NOTE: “Christ is seeking to reproduce Himself in the hearts of men; and He does this through those who believe in Him. The object of the Christian life is fruit bearing—the reproduction of Christ’s character in the believer, that it may be reproduced in others.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 67.

“The remnant are to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. Some expect to overcome alone by the blood of the Lamb, without making any special effort of their own.…God has been merciful in giving us the power of speech. He has given us a tongue, and we are accountable to Him for its use. We should glorify God with our mouth, speaking in honor of the truth and of His unbounded mercy, and overcome by the word of our testimony through the blood of the Lamb. We should not come together to remain silent; those only are remembered of the Lord who assemble to speak of His honor and glory and tell of His power; upon such the blessing of God will rest.” Early Writings, 114, 115.

14 What group of people will be saved in the end? Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13; Revelation 12:17.

NOTE: “The remnant church will be brought into great trial and distress. Those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, will feel the ire of the dragon and his hosts. Satan numbers the world as his subjects; he has gained control of the apostate churches. But here is a little company that are resisting his supremacy. If he could blot them from the earth, his triumph would be complete.…While Satan was urging his accusations, holy angels, unseen, were passing to and fro, placing upon them the seal of the living God.” Maranatha, 213.

“When he [Satan] suggests doubts as to whether we are really the people whom God is leading, whom by tests and provings He is preparing to stand in the great day, be ready to meet his insinuations by presenting the clear evidence from the Word of God that this is the remnant people who are keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” Our High Calling, 85.

By Craig Meeker